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In an instant, his head snapped up, his eyes filling with tears as he stared at me.

"I'm dreaming," he breathed out.

"Oh, I swear if we go through this, I will make you see stars," I threatened as I clutched onto the bars separating us.

"Y/N," he cried out as he tried to stand, his legs giving out as he stumbled back.

"Stay there," I ordered as he plopped back down in pain.

"Don't hur-"

Before he could finish, I had turned to my side, pushing the edge of my shoulder blade against the lock. Hearing an audible crack, my shoulder crushed against the lock, the door swinging open against the broken hinges.

"Y/N!" Arashi yelled out as he tried to stand once more, my eyes glaring at him.

"Did you not hear me?!" I walked in as I pushed him back down to rest.

Looking around at the chains, I noticed that they were just like the metal lock on the bars, old.

Bringing my knee up, I snapped the chains apart as Arashi moved to get out of them.

"Now stand," I said as I stood up again, waiting for him to stand.

As he stood up, before he could fall back, I wrapped my arm around him, pulling him to my side as I held him up.

My eyes widened in a flash as I noticed his weight was nothing compared to the healthy self he was.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I pulled him up completely from behind his knees as I rested him against me. He started mumbling things into my shoulder as I paid him no mind.

Stepping out of the room he was in, I turned around, one hand over Arashi as I looked back at the walls and ground stained with his blood.

Flaring my nostrils, I took off the ring from Soo-Won, tossing it in the room as it hit off the wall, landing in a pool of his blood. The shining gem dulled as the blood stained over it, leaving the final mark of our presence.

As I shifted my hold on Arashi so that both of my arms were around him securely, I felt the agonizing pain in my shoulder strike harder.

Gritting my teeth, I walked through the hall as I made my way back up the stairs that I had jumped down from earlier.

As I hurried out of the underground passageways, I came back to the ground level as I saw the hype of the wedding still present. I kept going as I moved straight to the forest that would lead me out of the kingdom, feeling Arashi's hot tears stream over my unhurt shoulder and my neck.

"Just endure a little longer, my storm. We'll be there soon enough," I soothed him as I rubbed his back, his embrace over me tightening as he cried.

I went through the path that had less obstacles and would be faster to take. If Hak had listened to me and actually went to where I told him, then I'd be able to see him again. And if not, then I'd just have to see Mundok first.

As I crossed the final tree, I saw the building come up where I had all my objects of importance stored. I had plenty of food and water there as well, keeping things fresh from time to time as I changed them regularly. I also knew that I kept more first aid then a hospital which would be extremely useful now.

As I trudged forward, Arashi seemed to recognize the area as he propped his chin onto my shoulder to look around. Taking a few deep breaths, he calmed himself before resting against me warmly again. I reached the doors and as I stood before them, I brought Arashi down to stand as I held his weight up.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

My eyes widened at the statement we made at the same time. Looking into his gold watery eyes, I felt my vision blur with tears as well as I pulled him into my arms with a sob.

"Storm! Storm! Storm!" I choked out loudly as tears fell from my eyes.

I took in gulps of air as I leaned on his shoulder. As he leaned back against the building, I fell to his feet, clinging onto him.

"Queen, do-"

"I finally got you, I finally did. After all this time of bearing the pain of your death, I have you here in front of me. You fool!" I cried out harder as I clutched onto him tighter. "Who did you think you were to sacrifice yourself like that for me?! Your parents did the same for mine and yet the four of them all lost their lives!" I exclaimed as I felt his hand rest over my head.

"Don't be sorry or else I'll never forgive you," he smiled down at me as I looked up at him, tears streaming down his face as I really got to stare at him.

"That scar," I stood as I ran my hand over his face, the scar that ran deep right under his eye to the side of his face.

"I've gotten many over the years we were apart," he spoke as my heart ached at his damaged form.

"Arashi, I'm sorry."

"Queen, stop. You're not at fault. I'm still in love you just as much as before," he stared at me as he took a pause. "If not more."

"I told you to give up on me," I felt more tears fall as he laughed slightly.

"That's the thing. I'd rather die than tha-"

"Don't say that!" I cut him off.

"My queen?"

Aaaah what a heartbreaking chapter, well at least hopefully it came off that way hahahha, I tried. But then again, who knows if there's worse to come? Never let your guard down, even for a beat of your heart, I mean, after all, you are a queen~ BUT LIKE 1K AHHHHHH SO MANY THANKS ALL AROUND TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU <3

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