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A chorus of 'ohs' could be heard from the fool four as they moved to see the person better.

"Who's this small lad?" The weakling asked as he scratched his head.

"O-oh, I'm Ar-"

"This is Arashi, Arashi this is the nightmare that you shouldn't have woke up to," I introduced them as I gestured to them and him.

"That was rude," queen pointed out as I sighed.

"What was, my queen?"

"You cut Arashi off," she whined as I stared at her.

This queen.

"I'm sorry Arashi," I bowed my head down to him as I stood tall again, facing queen as her eyes were wide. "Wh-"

"Thank you," she gushed, tears filling her eyes as she stepped forward towards me.

"Queen, what's wrong?" I asked as she just walked to me, resting herself against me.

"No one's bowed to Arashi like that in apology other than me for as long as I can remember. No one considered him worthy enough for them to lower their heads to," she wrapped her arms around me tighter as her voice went soft.

"Uhm, sorry?" I wasn't sure on what I was supposed to answer.

Did I mess things up or make them better between us?

"For lowering your head towards my royal side, I'll always forgive you," she smiled up at me, her eyes shining with tears.

As I went to respond, another voice spoke up from next to us as princess woke up.

"Hak? They're here already, that's great!" She grinned as she stretched to get up, queen's gaze going to the princess.

"But maybe you were never mine to forgive in the first place," she smiled bitterly with a sigh as she let go, walking back towards the shelves to grab bowls.

"My que-"

"Don't worry, I'm just getting things ready for everyone so we can all have a meal. Yun went out to get some more things since I told him I have a garden nearby with more food if we need," she answered without turning to face me, setting things down on the counter.

"Here let me help you with those!" White horse boy got up to held queen set the things we needed out as she thanked him with a smile.

A smile that she would show me.

Scoffing, I turned the other way, Arashi staring at me as I raised an eyebrow at him.


"Please don't hurt her," he whispered out.

"There's no way I could," I told him as he looked away.

"Everyone has always hurt her. Even when she never deserves it, she gets the worst and her head still is aimed towards the sky," he paused, looking back at me with a small smile.

"Why is that?"

"Because the stars are what keep her together."

We both stayed silent, staring at each other as I saw the pain he was in.

He was young, not too young to not be able to understand anything, but younger than me and Y/N.

"She's a stars person," he explained as I nodded.

Whatever that meant.


I set the bowls down as Yun walked in with more ingredients, walking over to start cooking on the counter in the back.

"Don't even think I'm going to let you cook," Yun called out as I backed away from the ingredients.

"Sorry, sorry," I sheepishly grinned as he sighed at me.

"Just sit by someone and h-"

"I volunteer as tribute!" A voice sung out as I turned around and faced the four dragons.

"Ahh, I know you guys!" I cheered as they all looked at me in question. "State your dragons and I'll state your names," I tried as they nodded.

"White dragon."


"Blue dragon."


"Green dragon."

"Pervert," Hak said before I could answer.

"Hey!" He whined.


"Yellow dragon."


"You can sit in my lap though," Jaeha offered as Hak pushed him.

"Yay! You know all of us!!" Zeno cheered as Yun brought over bowls of food.

"Of course, you're the current dragons. I've learned each generation so I'm really honored to actually be in one generation's presence," I nodded.

"The honor is all ours, now mask face move to the side so that the queen can sit with me," he shoved Shinah as Shinah simply fell over on the ground.

"Ao," he simply said as a small squirrel trailed out of his furry mask.

"Aw," I cooed as I held her in my hand. "You're so charming!"

"I know my beautiful, thank you," Jaeha grinned as he ran a hand through his hair.

"I wasn't talking to you," I deadpanned.

"Did ya hear that?" Hak smirked as he leaned towards him.

"I think my hearing is impaired, I can only hear the queen's lovely silky voice call out to me a-"

"I think my hearing is impaired, I can only hear the queen's lovely silky voice call out to me a-"

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"Yup, loud and clear," Jaeha coughed out as I chuckled.

"Don't be so harsh on them," I patted Hak's shoulder, sitting down next to him as I placed bowls in front of everyone.

"The wind was blowing colder today so I made soup for everyone. That way no one will get sick. I even added in some immune herbs that queen had which I found were really nice," Yun informed as he sat down to eat with us as well.

"So, I was wondering," Jaeha leaned in towards me as I nodded. "Are you available?"

"Hmm, yeah. I'm pretty sure, I don't think we need to get anything from outside so I won't be going anywhere. And it's not like I have something to actually do," I told him as he stared at me in a dumbfounded way.

"So like, you're not in love or married?"

So uHm. I thought that when I got to Pakistan I would be able to be on Wattpad so much more but BBBOOOOOIIIII was I wrong. I can't get decent wifi and when I do the power goes out and I need to work out a data plan for my phone with my uncle since he knows all about technology. Other than all of those excuses, 5k!? WHOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOO THANKS SO MUCH AND THANKS FOR ALSO BEING PATIENT WITH MY RIDICULOUS SELF I REALLY WILL TRY HARDER TO PUT MORE EFFORT FOR MY STORIES AND BOT HAVE MONTHLY UPDATES TTATT

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