Key Signatures

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Finally, in order to read music, you'll need to understand key signatures. You actually already know one key signature, the key of C! The C major scale you learned above was in the key of C. Scales are named after their tonic, the preeminent note within the scale, and the tonic determines what key you play in. You can start a major scale on any note, so long as you follow the whole-whole-half-whole-whole-whole-half pattern. Now, following that pattern in keys other than the key of C will require you to use sharps and flats. Since that's the case, we place the sharps or flats for your song's key signature right before the meter, after the clef, on your sheet music. That tells you to maintain those sharps or flats throughout the music, unless of course there's a natural symbol to override it. You will begin to recognize the key signatures of pieces based on what sharps or flats are shown. Here's a quick glimpse at some key signatures using sharps and flats (see picture).

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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