Chapter 7.

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         long overdue 😫, vote and comment lord, my life is in shambles 🤕.

Theo's POV.

"Xander, shit like this happens to people everyday! We can get through this-" He holds his hand up in hopes of silencing me as we step off of the elevator onto our floor.

"FUCK BRO!" He screams aloud as he unlocks the door to the home we still share as of right now. He's thirty eight hot right now. I inch my way into the house as he paces through the foyer/ living room area and snatches his tie off.

"And you know what? Tonight was supposed to be about what we were going to give back to the city. What you don't know is that you own 50% of everything that has to do with the Gallery. Yeah tonight was an amazing night in terms of coverage but that don't mean shit to me if I feel like I made a complete damn fool of myself on LIVE TV!" He shouts, making his way into the bedroom and leaving me in my thoughts.

 Yeah tonight was an amazing night in terms of coverage but that don't mean shit to me if I feel like I made a complete damn fool of myself on LIVE TV!" He shouts, making his way into the bedroom and leaving me in my thoughts

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I just.....everything was going perfectly. There was an amazing turnout, we FIXED the painting, and X's speech was just.....naturally powerful. Until that bitch tried to play my man.

"Everything okay?" X's uncle appears in the front doorway with a sleeping Xavier in his arms. He offered to watch him while we were at the opening and I couldn't pass that up.

I reached over and grabbed the sleeping boy and gave Sam a thankful smile. "Yeah, the opening just didn't go exactly as planned. Thanks for watching Xavier." I rock the sleeping body as I take in Sam's VERY casual outfit. This nigga has on some flimsy shorts with NO DRAWS ON and some socks. 🤔 I'm pulled out of my thoughts as X slams his room door and exits the house in a black tee, a pair or shorts, and his slides.

I mean I can understand his frustration, but one thing I hate that people do is when they take out their anger on someone who ain't even the cause of it. Someone who's been in their fucking corner. I'm the one with an attitude.

I carry Xavier into the master bedroom and lay him down. As I begin to undress, a lot of things start swirling into my head. Mainly the fact that this man really put my name on the legal documents for something that was supposed to be his vision. It's hard to be aggravated with a person who continues to show you time after time after time that they truly want to be with you for the rest of their life.

Sinking into the tub, a bitch started thinking some existential thoughts. I'm really a whole human.

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