Chapter 8.

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Theo's POV.

"Just know that when I get my hands on those fucking hoodrats who fucked up the opening, it's over for them. Sophie do you know how to fight? I'm assembling a revenge team." I say as I wade through the shallow pool with Xavier in my hands. I need a little bit of deserved therapeutic conversation with the girls and guys.

"I can do it by myself Feo!" Xavier says wiggling out of my hold, pitter-patting his feet around the lukewarm water.

"Everything happened so fucking fast G. It was like boom, they got the coverage of the dance and had just finished his interview, and then boom! The sip and paint went left as hell." Meshawn looks out across the Chicago skyline solemnly. I could tell she was plotting just like me.

"Do y'all know who they even were? The thing that pisses me off is the fact that even though it "wasn't intentional", they gave the fucking news a reason to give X a shitty review." I run my fingers down my face in annoyance, getting worked the fuck up all over again. "It's just like...Kian knows better than y'all but, that boy hasn't been passionate about a lot in his life, and like...he wanted this to be different than all of the shit that black/ POC community leaders bring to the table and he stayed up late as fuck..." Kian puts his hand on my back helping me fight through tears.

It's crazy to watch someone's "baby" just grow and grow and grow, and then have it turn into everything they DIDN'T want it to be. The walls of Cabin Thirty could tell the next residents hella stories about the late nights he was in that bitch just drawing. Coming up with ways to keep young niggas like him OUT of the streets and into the ARTS.

Mental health/wellness in the black community is already one of the things that don't get the recognition or the attention that it deserves. I be damned if I let him turn back into the X I met.

"And like

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"And the fuck you bring yourself to go and "unintentionally" fuck somebody else shit up?" Kian pulls me out of my thoughts and Meshawn and Sophie both let out a long drawn out "riiiight" in agreement.

"Niggas are already out here thinking they CAN'T be the change, and a lot of the times, their own fucking kind comes around and ruins the shit. Crabs in a bucket bro..." I rant, watching Xavier play in the water.

"It takes YEARS to build a good foundation, but seconds to tear that shit down. Facts. I don't know what it's like to be in the shoes of a person of color, nor will I ever, but I'll do whatever I can to use what I have to help you guys get to where you need to be. Privilege? Activated." Sophie adds her two cents and does a little super hero power up. I point at her and all of us crack up. C'mon white girl with the socioeconomic awareness!

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