Chapter 6.

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i low key missed y'all but i'm 🔙!

Theo's POV.

Theo's POV

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"Stop. You know what I'm gonna say right?" I stop X mid-speech. With the gallery opening being two days away, X is frantic as fuck because of the amount of publicity this whole event has garnered. We haven't even been here a month but the news is eating his excited ass up.

"Ughhhhh! I was using my hands too much?" He pushes his curls out of his face, obviously aggravated. I nod and continue to sip from my mug of hot chocolate, highlighting my AP Statistics notes. College is not a fucking joke. These professors are trifling as fuck!

"Black people don't know how to not talk with they hands, Theo. I'm doomed!" He falls onto the couch next to me, laying his head on my side with his hands covering his face.

"You're too in your head, baby. Let it flooooow. I've found that public speaking is about being natural and doing that isn't so hard if you find just imagine everyone in their underwear. You can thank Zack and Cody for teaching me that." I kiss his forehead and lay a hand on his chest.

"This is literally all I've been asking for and now that I'm about to get it, I'm scared. I'm admitting it, I'm fucking terrified." I roll my eyes and sit my mug down, pulling X to his feet and standing with him in the middle of the living room.

I face him towards the couch and step behind him. On my tippy toes, I lean onto him with my arms on is shoulders."You're so damn focused on messing up. Focus on being great and delivering a great speech and I promise that it'll turn out just the way you believe it will. I have faith in you fat boy." The doorbell rings as I finish my spiel, and I sit back down on the couch with my hot chocolate and highlighter.

Xander's POV.

I feel like vomiting from stress as I drag my feet over to the door, unlocking it with laziness. A nigga is pooped. I haven't slept good in about 5 days. Swinging the door open, my eye level view is met with the familiar creme colored wall. Ohhhhh, so y'all playing ding dong ditch now?!

I hear a soft snicker below me. "Down here, Tanner!"

 "Down here, Tanner!"

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