Chapter 10

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Dead he's Dead.

I pushed passed the doctors that where stood infront of the door, trying to stop me from entering, as I opened the door both me and Frodo fell to the floor, and as we looked up we saw George lay on the bed his lips pale and his body stiff, I started to cry, I stood up and walked slowly to where he was lay, I held his cold hand, his smile was gone, the dimples in his cheeks were no more, the room was silent, the singing and cheerful people in this room before where gone, all that remained was sadness and silence, Frodo also had tears running down his face, we had, had so much fun the night before, and it was hard to believe that an Angel had died, I then kissed his head and then his lips, and fell to the floor next to his bed, Frodo had his hand on the back of my head, he was rubbing his fingers in small circles, Frodo then dropped to the floor next to me, and we hugged, Frodo had his hand on the back of my head still, we then ended up forhead to forhead, then Frodo said to me in a calm tone, he'd never spoke to me like this before,'Sara you must stay strong, the burden of life is heavy enough, do not carry the weight of the dead also', I nodded in agreement, Frodo then stood up, he offered me his hand, I delayed a second and then took it standing up, I turned my head to look at George, then I looked back at Frodo, suddenly the door burst open, it was George's parents, they had been away on holiday, so they heard about it there, they had only just arrived back, but it was already to late.

'no, no George come on', his mother burst into tears, his father was stood behind her as she dropped to her knees crying, this had both me and Frodo crying again, George's father Paul stood over him, suddenly a rush of 9 young children walked in, they were George's siblings, Tom, Will, Harriet, Cameron, Louisa, Archie, Spencer, Annabelle and the youngest Leo, Leo loved George, George always looked after him when he was ill, the young 4 year old walked slowly up to George's bed,'don't worry Georgie, I'll look after you, like you looked after me', Leo said with a delicate voice, this made me cry even more, it was absolutely adorable, I cried quietly tho, Harriet the oldest female sibling, looked up at me and Frodo,'I know who Sara is but who are you?', she looked up at Frodo in confusment,'I'm Frodo, Frodo baggins', as soon as he said this George's mum looked up at him,'so your the one, the bully these two had spoke of, the boy who made their lives a living hell', she said as she rose from the floor, she then gasped,'did you do this, did you kill my boy', I could see Frodo was about to explode and say something he would regret, so I cut in before he could speak,'no it was an accident, he fell and hit his head', George wouldn't of liked me to have snitched on Frodo, even if it was him that had done it, he enjoyed last night, the I'm sorry look was in Frodo's eyes all night long, the last song we sung was a song called last goodbye...

Flashback (Bold & Italics)...

George: Save the last goodbye for me

Frodo: One more shining memory

Sara: always remember, I'll leave the light on, for you

Frodo: For You

George: FOR YOU

Sara: Save the last goodbye for me

Frodo: wake me up before you leave

George: always remember, I'll leave the light on, For you

Sara: For you

Frodo: FOR YOU

George: FOR YOU !!!!!!!

(end of flashback)

'Sara' Frodo snapped his fingers in front of my face,'you were in a daze then', he told me smiling, Frodo's uncle bilbo had picked us up and he was driving me home, but that wouldn't help, my dad would be home drunk as usual and if he wasn't home, he soon would be, I was thinking about things me and George had done since we first met, that was a lot, I've known George since I was 3, we were now 15, but I would be the only one to live to 16, as we arrived at my house I thought for a moment and then said my goodbyes to Frodo and his uncle, my mother knew about George, so she knew what I was going to be like, as I opened the door my mother was stood looking at me, she opened her arms, I ran at her crying,'It's going to be ok Sara', she whispered to me,  I was just thinking about what the doctor had said to me before we left,'before George died he wanted me to to tell you that he loved you and that you need to carry on with life as normal and although that he is gone he will always be with you', I couldn't stop thinking about him, how am I supposed to carry on as normal without him, I will miss everything that we did, no matter what I will always love him, because I'm half a heart without him.

My father then arrived, hobbling in through the door, 'whats up with you', he said sternly, 'her best friend has died', my mother said looking up at him,'oh that soft arse George, never liked him anyway', he said laughing, I tried to hold back my tears but it couldn't be done I cried even more, my mother pulling me closer,'oh shut up you stupid girl, he was a big girl, he was a stupid prick' my father yelled smashing the bottle in his hand, he pointed the broken end of the glass toward us,'I think you'd better go Alex', my mother held me tight, then there was a knock at the door, my father turned still holding the bottle toward us, itvwas Frodo,  what was he doing here, he looked up at my angry father,'hey Alex just dropping Sara's bag off she left it in the car', Frodo said looking at me,'thanks Frodo just leave it and go', I said sternly, 'what's going on?' Frodo questioned, ' just go', my father looked at me,'yeah that's a good idea, but I have a better one', he smiled,'Frodo RUN!!!!'I yelled, Frodo turned to run, but my father grabbed his collar and pulled him back, he threw him toward me and my mother,'whatvare you doing?' Frodo asked yelling, my father smiled, 'your a cocky little shit arn't you', my father continued to smile as he stepped toward us, as we walked back, I realised where we were going, the small room at the back of the house, it was sound proof so no one would hear us calling for help, but we couldn't fight off my father, not when he was this drunk, we where pushed into the small room only just enough room for us to fit in, I heard him lock it I then looked out of the small hole, I saw him throw the key into the pond we had, I slid down the wall, Frodo sat next to me,'don't worry Sara, my uncle bilbo will get the police', Frodo told me in reassuring way, I just had to wait and see if his prediction was right.

Bigger Than You-Frodo baggins and George Shelley fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now