Secret relationship

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"wait are you two a thing?" Jimin asked.

I felt my face heats up when he was looking directly at me, I tried to ignore it and say "well.. yes k-kinda" how stupid of me. My answer left the twins with shook expressions, well I know why is Taehyung surprised well.. I just lied to my crush saying that I'm dating his twin brother, but why is Jimin surprised?

"I thought we don't do secrets huh?" Jimin eyed his twin. 

"umm... Jimin no I mean yes we don't b-but its not what it looks like."

I may or may not caused the twins to argue..ugh I didn't mean to I just didn't want to confess at least not right now.

"well it looks exactly how it looks like tae" he said smirking "well? how far did you guys go"

He was supposed to be the shy twin not the perverted one but i actually like him with this smirking expression he looks HOT

"what no no its not what you're thinking, God Jimin what happened to the prude Jimin?" tae said frustrated.

"umm..Tae can I talk to you privately?" the shy twin asked. 

"ohh... umm..I was leaving to Seokjin's anyway" I said not wanting to bother the twins, I grabbed my jacket and went out. I texted Jin asking him where was he but he said he's out. 

I was walking not knowing where to head to. So, I stopped at an ice cream shop and ordered my ice cream and went out. the second i went out I bumped into someone making my ice-cream fall.

"I'm so sorry! oh my god! I'm really sorry" said the guy.

"no its okay, I'm fine really"

"oh no its not fine I'll buy you another" he said getting inside the shop to buy me an ice cream I really wasn't mad or anything it was  just an accident.

"I got you chocolate since I saw yours" he said handing me the ice cream.

"umm.. thank you but you really didn't have to" I said taking the ice cream from him.

"no of course I had to I bumped into you causing  your ice cream to fall" 

"umm.. well.. thanks..and I'm Jeon Jungkook"

"Yoongi, Min  Yoongi" hmm.. why do I feel like I know a Yoongi?

we talked for a couple hours and didn't notice how the time flew by, we learned a few stuff about each other and we have a lot in common like we both like lamb skewers and a lot stuff too. turned out he's form my school too

I looked at the time it said 7:30 shoot I'm  late my dad is going to get angry.


After Jungkook left I explained to Jimin more like lied to him, that was my first time lying to him and lying about what? me and my friend dating ugh I can never see Jungkook in that way eww he's my friend, But to save his ass I Kim Taehyung lied to my twin brother because there won't be any explanation to do about him. so i had to lie and tell him that we are a thing and we've been dating since 2 months. of course Jimin being his stubborn self got mad at me for not telling him sooner but I got him to forgive me. 

We were busy for the rest of the day to arrange our stuff in our rooms. Jimin's room is already done but mine isn't. I tried calling Jungkook the whole time but he didn't pick up any of my calls, I called Jin to ask him about Jungkook but he told me he didn't see him, he texted him but he doesn't know anything about him. I was getting worried-

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