Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Jack' POV

I walked inside only to get hit and land on the floor, my binders and other supplies falling on the ground. I rubbed my head in pain before I opened my eyes to see what hit me.

It was a young boy around my age with black and red hair. He had a somewhat muscular build and a pair of cute and stylish glasses...wait did I just describe his glasses as cute and stylish? Jesus Christ get a grip Jackaboi for fucks sake you fucking donkey (Author's Note: I'm so sorry I'm currently binge watching Hell's Kitchen with my mom)

"Oh I'm so sorry", the boy said offering me a hand to help me up. "By the way I'm Mark", he said with a small smile. I grabbed his hand and got up. "Uh nice to meet you Mark. My name is Jack." I said with a small stutter.

Mark helped me pick up the items I dropped after the fall. "Oh hey you are the new student here aren't you?" He asked with a glimmer of curiosity in his eyes. "Yeah why?" I replied to his question (hey that rhymes, neato :3).

"I heard about you. You have been the talk of the school and currently the subject of gossip. Everyone has been theorizing about who you are, what you look like, where you came from, that sort of thing. I'm certain you will fit right in though! I have a couple friends you should meet! By the way what classes do you have? Maybe we have some together." Mark said excitedly with a joyous smile.

Talk of the school huh? I hope they didn't think anything too negatively about me. Although from the way Mark sounds, I might finally make friends this year! Now I might not be so lonely.

I checked my schedule:

1st period: Social Studies

2nd period: Language Arts

3rd period: Drawing and Painting 2 (Art)

4th period: Lunch (yum)

5/6th period: Geometry

7/8th period: Physical Science

9th period: Gym (ugh)

10th period: Study Hall (most boring period tbh)

(Author's Note: I'm lazy so I just made my own schedule Jack's)

I told Mark my schedule and he just smiled. "Cool! We have Lunch, Gym, Study Hall, and Science together! Some of my friends are in your other classes, I will have to tell them about you."

He pulled out his phone to text his friends about me. "Alright, alright, alright! This way you will feel welcome and have friends in those classes. My friend Cry has Language Arts and Art with you. My other friend Felix has Geometry and Social Studies with you. And we all have Lunch, Gym, and Study hall together. This is going to be great!"

Mark just grinned from ear to ear the whole time. He seems pretty excited to meet me and really wants me to feel welcome and have friends here. This is odd, nobody wants to be friends with me, I guess humans are just friendlier. I wonder what would happen if he found out what I really am, that I'm a demon...better to not think about that.

Things are looking bright, I might actually have a pleasant experience this time around. I can only hope. 

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