Chapter 7

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Jack's POV

There wasn't much worth noting about social studies. The teacher's name is Mr. Mackey (no not the one from South Park).

He is an extremely old looking man. His forehead and face is covered in wrinkles and he has a hooked nose topped off with a pair of rectangular glasses.

Felix seemed a little timid and nervous, like something is on his mind. I can only hope he is okay. We still talked a lot during glass, but he was slightly less talkative than when we first met in the hallway. I am well aware that I just met him, but I feel like this isn't anything like his normal behaviour.

The bell rang, signalling that it is time to switch classes. I checked my schedule: Language Arts. That is where I am going next. It is a good thing that it is right next door, that way I won't get lost again, or at least not yet.

I waved goodbye to Felix with a gentle, sympathetic smile plastered on my face before leaving.

Felix seemed disappointed that I had to leave. But he will survive, after all I see him again in 4th period for lunch. Then again for Geometry.

I entered the Language Arts classroom and sat down at a random desk in the back. I was just minding my business until a group of three students came up to me.

The group consisted of two boys and one girl. They all had a punkish look to them. Their hair was dyed a variety of unnatural colours, like crayon boxes melted on all their heads.

They also had several piercing on their lips, eyebrows, and noses. Needless to say they looked...pretty odd. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of strange demons back in my old school and hometown. It is just that I didn't know some humans looked like that. This will be my first full day on Earth after all.

"Hey loser, what the fuck you doing in my seat?" One of the boys sneered.

"Hey get out of boo's seat loser!" The girl said, almost parotting the other guy who just spoke. I am assuming that is his girlfriend judging by how she called him "boo".

Then the third guy's eyes widened. "Hey isn't that the new kid we have been hearing about?" he said in mild surprise

The first guy replied "I don't give a damn. Get the fuck out of my seat before you get your ass beat!" He raised his voice at me.

This angered me very much. I could feel my body changing. I curse my genetics for this.

Since I am a demon, I have got to be careful. When ever my emotions rise to a fever pitch, I become visibly demonic.

I never liked this part of myself, I hate it actually. It definitely doesn't help that I am surrounded by humans either. If they found out, it's all over. Actually I'm not quite sure what would happen, but it would definitely not be in my favour.

Then a masked boy walked through the door with a disturbingly creepy smile.

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