Sleepover (not cannon)

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A/N: Alright, see that picture? That your kwami. Except it has a figure like Plagg's, and it's black and purple. It's eyes are red. I take no credit for this picture


(Reader's p.o.v)

I start getting group chat texts from Alya and Nino. (A=Alya N=Nino M=Marionette A2=Adrien Y=You)

N - yo, [nickname], what's up?

A - [nickname] we have news!

M - Come on, [name], answer!

A2 - [name]! [name]! I'm gonna keep chanting your name! [name]!

Y - Alright! What's the news!

A - Imma having a sleepover over at mah house! Wanna come?

Y - sure who else is coming?

All - us

Y - cool I'll start packing

A2 - bring a onesie

Y - .........

Y - Adrien why would I bring a onesie

A2 - idk just bring one

Y - ......alright as long as everybody else is.

All - yep

Y - see ya there

All - k

~end of chat~

That was weird of Chat - er Adrien

(Adrien's p.o.v) (A2=Adrien NN=you)

A2 - bring a onesie 

("Why did I say that." I say while face palming.)

NN - ..........

NN - Adrien why would I bring a onesie 

("She's onto me." I say. She'd be cute in a onesie. I mentally punch myself.)

A2 - idk just bring one

NN - ..........alright as long as everybody else is.

All - yep

NN - see ya there

All - k

~end of chat~

"Smooth Adrien. Reeaal smooth." Plagg says, eating cheese.

"Shut up, Plagg." I said. I hear a knock on my door.

"Hey, Adrien? It's [name]." I heard from the outside.

"Come in." I say, turning on an anime.

"Why did you say bring a onesie in the chat?" She asks. I turn a deep crimson.

"I-I d-don't kn-kno-ow. A-ask P-Pl-Plagg." I say, trying to blame it on Plagg.

"He thinks you'd be cute in a onesie." Plagg says, finishing his cheese. Her face goes bright red, and I'm redder than an apple.

"Y-you th-think I'd b-be cute in a-a o-onesie??" She asks, alarmed. I nod. She smiles and laughs.

"Wh-what's so funny?" I ask.

"I don't know!" She exclaims. Our miraculous' beep.

"Plagg, claws out!/Luna, time to put on a show!" We say. We turn into our hero form.

-after fight-

We come home and lay on my bed. [name] groans.

"I didn't know my first patrol would be a MISSION." She says.

"Get used to it. This'll happen almost everyday, purrincess." I say, looking at her.

"The only one who used there power was Ladybug, thank god. I could stay in this dragon suit all day." She says. I nod. "Hey, Chaton?" She asks.

"Yes, dragaboo?"

"Who do - who do you like?" She asks. I blush.

"C-can you save that question for the sleepover?"

"But Chat~ that's a week away~" she says. I start to play with her hair.

"No, bad kitty." She says while batting my hand away.

"You really want to know?" I ask. She nods. "You Dragaboo." She blushes a deep red.


Me: *sips coffee* ah nothing like a good old cliff hanger to keep readers hanging.

Chat: but purrincess it's not good for me

Me: and?

Why must you go? [reader insert] x Chat Noir/Adrien (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now