Moon Shine Part 3

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The dragon above is your familiar/side kick sorta thing

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chat/Adrien p.o.v

I walked through the night, wondering what I did wrong. I detransform, and start group chatting with Nino and Alya

(A = Alya N = Nino A2 = Adrien)

A2 - hey guys.....

N - yo what's up

A - what's wrong?

A2 - [name] is gone, I can't find her anywhere.



A2 - I'm wondering that myself, Alya...


M - hey guys




N - guys guys calm down! her phone's on a tracking device! I'll just track her phone!

A2 - what if she doesn't have her phone?

N - just let me check.

N - she' her old house??

A, A2, M - WHAT?

A2 - I'm going over there

M - Adrien, leave her alone! She's probably just thinking

A2 - Just thinking?? She used to live in the CRIME part of Paris, Marionette!! I'm going over there, whether people want me to or not!

~~end of text~~

"Why would Marionette say that! She's turning out to be just like Ladybug." I say. "Plagg, Claws Out!"

"Can't Adrien."

"Why not?!"

"I haven't had any Camembert." He says. I face palm and give him a piece. He eats it.

"Plagg! Claws Out!"

~~timeskip, reader's p.o.v~~

"[name]! [name]! Where are you?!" I hear. I chuckles lightly. Chat is looking for me.

"Over here, Chat!" I say in my innocent voice. I see him on a rooftop.

"[name]!" He says, about to hug me. Then he backs up.

"You really think I'd want you after I rejected you?" I say.

"[name], this isn't like you! Please, tell me what's wrong?" He says.

"Nothing is, Chat. Nothing at all." I say, holding his cheek. He turns a light pink.

"Except for the fact I hate everyone!!" I say, suddenly slapping him. His one cheek turns a bright red. He holds it in pain.

"And my name's not [name] anymore. It's BlueFire!" I say, pinching his ear.

"Ow!" He screams. I laugh.

"I love seeing people I hate in pain. Don't you, silly kitty." I say.

"Chat!" I hear. I see Ladybug.

"Ah, Ladybug your here. I have a riddle for you. What's idiotic and spotted, but can't walk properly?" I ask. She looks at me confused. I fly up to her on Golden Blue (Name of dragon).

"You!" I say as I knock her down. She faintly tries to get up, and succeeds.

"What does Chat....even see in you? You turned into a heartless bitch...." she says.

"Look who's talking? You even said yourself, you don't like Chat. Not the way you like Adrien. And Adrien hates you." Ladybug grits her teeth as I say this.

"He doesn't hate me! He's head over heels in love with me!" She screams.

"Maybe he was. But not anymore! He never loved you after you hurt [name]. He's in love with [name] and Klamax Gold now, which he'll never get back!" I say, throwing blue balls of fire at her. She seems to dodge all of them, except one.

"Ladybug!" I hear Chat say. "Why are you doing this?! I thought you wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Your thinking of [name], Chat." I say, throwing a blur fire ball at him. He dodges with ease.

"That means I'm thinking of you! You're amazing, beautiful, smart, and brave! You still are, even as BlueFire! The only thing that you have to be ashamed of, the only person you should be getting revenge me." He yells, trailing off at the end. I gasp.

"But you know what? I know you wouldn't. And you know why?" He asks. "Because I love you." He says. I could feel myself detransforming from BlueFire. I grit my teeth.

"Why should I listen to you?! Your a big flirt. You would've broken my heart anyway. Oh wait, it's already broken. You can't break something that's already broken." I say, throwing another fire ball. It hits him in the stomach.

"But you can fix it." He says. He charges for me. I wait in a eased battle stance. When we gets to me, I expect the worst. But that doesn't happen. He kisses me. I try to pull away, but something inside me tells me not to. I decide to stand there. He pulls away. The akuma drains from me. Ladybug manages to purify it.

"Bye bye, little butterfly." She says. I drop onto my knees, overwhelmed by the power drained from me.

"[name]! Are you alright?" Chat asks me. I nod. He picks me up bridal style.

"I'm fine, really Chat. You don't have to carry me. I can walk." I say. He shakes his head.

"No. I'm carrying you home." He says. I sigh.

"Fine...." I say with a pout. When we get home, I'm already knocked out.

~~Adrien/Chat's p.o.v~~

By the time we get home, she's asleep. I smile. I lay her down in her bed and tuck her in. I detransform. Plagg looks at me.

"You'd do anything for her, wouldn't you?" He says, nibbling on some cheese from [name]'s bag.

"Yeah.....but sometimes I wonder if I'm really fine with all this...." I say. Then [name] wakes up.

"Oh good, your awake. Come on, let's get us something to eat. We've had a pretty rough day." I say.

"I'll be with you in a sec." she says. I smile. She's probably still in shock.

~~reader p.o.v~~

"Hey, Luna?"

~~Adrien's p.o.v~~

"Hey, Plagg?"

~~Reader p.o.v~~

"I'm a little scared that,"

~~Adrien p.o.v~~

"I'm a little bit dumbfounded by,"

~~both p.o.v~~

"How much......"

My kwami leans in.

"I wanted to tell (him/her), that I love (him/her)."


Yay BlueFire's gone.

Chat: yay.....I guess.....

Me: ?

Chat: nothing

Why must you go? [reader insert] x Chat Noir/Adrien (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now