Chapter 5: We Are All Human

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People tend to set standard and/or expectations for certain people. People are constantly categorized and separated into different groups, even with races. It can vary from people being put into a group  of blacks, whites, hispanics, muslim, etc. but not only is it races that are categorized, but even physical appearances or people's different personalities and interest come into play. There can be people set in the fat group or twig group. Ugly group or hot group. Weird or popular. Gothic or hood. There are so many different groups of people that are separated from the rest of society. People think that just because we have different interest we shouldn't socialize with one another and we should be set in our own group of people. Even with physical appearances, people still separate one another due to their genetics or attractions. Growing up around this kind of behavior can really influence someone and effect their mental state. I strongly am against this particular behavior because I hate that we are separated into different groups of people, like we are all different. Which yes, this is true, we are all different but that's because we are human and not every human being is the same. We are all different and unique in our own ways and that's what makes every single person special. The only thing every single person has in common is that we are all human. We are all human beings that were put on this earth the same way and breath and grow physically and mentally. No one should be judged for who they are or what they like. No one should ever have to live in fear of themselves. No one should ever be afraid to express themselves. No one should ever be afraid to approach someone because of their differences. Everybody is somebody, but nobody is you. Be you, and express your unique self. Share your thoughts and opinions. Express your interests and your humor. Just be you. Don't fear judgement, because judgment comes only from the worst people. People who judge you for being you are the worst kinds of people. They feed off of negativity and that will only bring others down. So whatever you do, just be you, be true to yourself and the world, don't let judgmental people get to you, and appreciate your peers.
Let me tell you about my best friend. My best friend is 20 years old and she has been my friend since we were born. Our moms were best friends growing up and they stuck together and eventually had kids and brought their kids together including myself and my best friend. She was diagnosed with special needs but that didn't change anything about her nor did it change how I looked at her. She is still the most amazing, hilarious, beautiful, smart, most genuine person I know, who just so happens to have yet another label slapped onto her being. This particular label really began to effect her growing up. She feels very little about herself due to this label. Her special needs is very minor and hardly noticeable but it still takes affect in her confidence. She used to be the most positive girl I knew and now lately she has been down about herself and that makes me feel terrible to see her this way. She has a huge crush on this boy who doesn't have special needs and she cries because she says he will never like her because of her disability and that she's not normal. Which I highly disagree. She is just as normal as the rest of us, because quite frankly nobody is normal. Nobody is perfect and nobody is better than everybody. We all have flaws and imperfections and we all learn how to deal with them and flaunt them with confidence. My best friend is still my best friend no matter what label is set for her. She will not be any different then before and she means everything to me and I hope someone else will feel that way about her too and make her the happiest girl in the world. So if you are anyone who struggles with self confidence, insecurities, disabilities, imperfections, flaws, anxiety, depression, or any of that. Always remember that you are only human, you and the rest of the world have struggles in life that we learn to overcome, and you are beautiful and amazing just the way you are. Don't let anything or anyone effect your happiness because everybody deserves to be happy. Nothing will drag you down if you don't let it, so let's stand up and fight this war together because all of us are fighting and we will be victorious with a little help from happiness. From one human to another, we got this.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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