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Adam's POV
    Why is my life like this? Why can't I just have a nice, easygoing life? I have been on this earth for sixteen years and nothing good has came from it . All of a sudden I hear the door slam shut. "Where are you, stupid brat?" I hurry to get up from the bed to lock my door, but it was too late.
    He shoved open the door with me still being behind it and crack. My nose started gushing blood, but did my dad help? No! He just started to yell at me about getting blood on the floor. Do you see what I have to deal with? All of a sudden my dad throws me down and starts beating me. I should have expected this considering it's been happening for the last six years, and it's about the same time everyday.
    "Dad please, stop" I decide to beg, even though I know he won't stop, not until he gets his fill. "This is what you get, you little bitch" he screams in reply. When will I ever learn that I just need to keep my mouth shut and take it? It's not like he would ever willingly stop.
    All of a sudden he spreads my legs and and puts his body in between them so I can't shut them, and resumes with hitting me wherever he can. Then the most extreme pain racks my small body when he hits my no-no spot. Who knew it could hurt so bad, and if he did why does he insist on hitting me there.
    All I could do was lay there and try to curl into a ball as he relentlessly hits me in the worst spot. "Awe, does the little cocksucker not like to be played with? I wonder what your future boyfriend/husband would say about that? Oh, I know, you'll never have one 'cause your an ugly disgrace."
    Once he got a few more hits in, he decided he had enough, and finally left my room. I got up with much difficulty and hurried to lock the door, incase he changed his mind, and came back for more. I slowly moved to the bed, and allowed myself to cry. Cry for my mother leaving me here with him, cry for the kids at school who think it's fun to bully the short gay kid, just cry for all the bad things in this world.
    After my good cry fest I go to sleep hoping everything would be better in the morning, even if I know better. What I didn't know that as he was hitting me I screamed so loud that the neighbors heard me.

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