Chapter 3

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Adam's POV
Here I am I the presence of two gods and I had to mentally smacked myself. They brought me to their house and we don't even know each other's names. I mean they say they won't hurt me and that I'm their 'mate'. I wonder if that's why I'm not afraid of them? Is it because our souls are connected? My thoughts started wondering off, when all of a sudden someone snapped in my face. That one little thing scared me and made me lose my balance which ended up with me on the ground.

The twins rushed over to me, and the twin that doesn't really talk, picks me up and carries me up the stairs. The whole way up they continuously asked me if I was okay or if I was hurt, but I just giggled and shook my head. They think that me falling down is going to hurt me? Just thinking of what I had been through in my life put a frown on my face.

When I finally came back from my thoughts I feel myself being put on something soft and noticed it was a bed. When the twins moved away from me I looked around the room and noticed a king sized bed, a night stand on each side of the bed, a wooden desk in the corner of the room, and three doors that I would guess to lead to the closet, bathroom, and hallway, all in a dark blue room. While I was looking around I didn't notice the twins sit on either side of me so I was started, yet again, when one spoke.

"So?" The one that always talks asked me. What does he want me to say. "Um....what?" I timidly ask back. Both of the twins start laughing, and I turn way from them because my face starts burning in embarrassment. The laughing slowly comes to stop and when they turn to me they have a look of worry in their eyes. The twin that never talks reaches his hand forward, and I flinch away thinking he is going to hit me. When he sees me flinch he moves a little slower, and I wonder what he is doing.

I warily watch the twin as his hand moves slowly, but persistently, toward me. When he gets to my face he lays his hands on my cheeks and brushes softly. While he's doing this I close my eyes at the safe feeling that I haven't had since my mom died.

I feel his thumbs rubbing against my cheek and wonder what he is doing. When he finally pulls away, and I realize that he had been wiping the tears that I didn't know I shed.

I look to both of the twins and see a look of worry in their eyes, but I just smile at them and the worry seems to ease.

"What is your name little one?" I decide that's it finally time to answer the question that has been drawn out far longer then need. "My name is Adam, what is yours?" I asked in a small voice. The more talkative answers saying "My name is Theo and that is Taylor." Well at least now I don't have to differentiate them by more or less talkative.

We were just sitting on the bed when my body starts to hurt again and I remember what happened before I met Theo and Taylor. I could feel the tears start to form, and I knew that Theo and Taylor saw them. They slowly inched toward me like I was a ticking bomb, and when they saw it okay they wrapped their arms around me.

"Can you tell us what happened" Taylor asked. As I thought about telling them, they both face then wandered their gaze down my body stopping at my arms. They both both looked at me with worry in their beautiful green eyes, and it was decided that I would tell them.

"Growing up I had an amazing life, my parents were great and they loved me with all their hearts. When I was ten my mom and I was in in a major car accident and I was the only survivor. The day I got out of the hospital is the day my life went to hell. My dad dropped me off at home and didn't come back until early in the morning, and when he came back he came into my room, through me on the floor, and beat me relentlessly.

"That happened everyday for the next week and I was so happy to be going back to school. When I got there I went up to my friends but they all just looked the other way, they wouldn't acknowledge my existence. At lunch I got my tray and was walking to an empty table when someone tripped me and I fell in my food.

"As the years have gone, everything has gotten worse. Instead of kids at school just picking on me they are punching me till I pass out, and my father hasn't believed in feeding since I came out. I have to sneak food whenever I can, but nothing good comes out because he always seems to know if I do, so I just get a longer beating that night.

Just today two cops came to take my dad away because the neighbors called on him, and I ran away because they could do so much worse then what I've had. And now that they took him away I have nowhere to go."

I looked up to see them looking at each other, then both turn to look at me. "What do you mean you have nowhere to go, we are your mates and we can love and protect you like you need" Theo said while Taylor nods his head at what his twin was saying. "Well, we just met and once you get to know me you'll probably get rid of me, and I don't know if I can bear to loose anyone else" I replied back, feeling the tears start to build in the back of my eyes.

Taylor took me in his arms and whispered he in my ear "Believe it or not, we love you already, and it would be an honor to be able to give you what you need."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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