Chapter 1

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*Theo and Taylor*
Adam's POV

    I woke up to my alarm clock, and started getting ready for school. While in the shower I was mentally preparing myself for one of the worst things in my life. As I finished up I realized that I didn't hear any other noises from within the house. Did my luck really come? Do I not have to deal with my father this morning?

I rushed down the stairs to see if it was really true, when I came to a sudden halt. My happiness was tramped on when I saw him laying passed out on the couch. I slowly walk to the kitchen to make his breakfast, so I don't wake him up, and don't have to deal with him so early in the morning.

As I'm making his breakfast my stomach starts to rumble, which is unsurprising considering I haven't ate in three days. Dad doesn't like to waste food on me, and doesn't like to give me money for food. My dad must think of me as some slave 'cause that's what he treats me like.

    I'm lucky to make it out of the house without my dad making so much as a twitch. Now hopefully school will go just as smooth.

    I get into the school without being noticed, but stop just in front of my locker. One of these stupid people decided it would be nice to paint the rainbow on my locker, which I wouldn't mind if they hadn't wrote"FAG" all over it too. Oh well, it's not like it acually harmed me, so I could handle this.

    What I can't handle is when I get shoved into the locker, and then pushed to the ground. Nolan Crosswell, my number one bully, stands over me, smirking. "Well isn't it the little boy lover" he jeered at me. I just stayed on the ground, not even making an attempt to get up, and kept my mouth shut.

"Awe is the little gay boy not gonna talk." I still just sit there and stay quite, not bothering to look up at him. "Here I'll help you" he says while punching me in the face.

Suddenly the principle rounds the corner and sees Nolan standing over me. "And what do you think your doing Mr.Crosswell?" My now favorite person in the world asked. Nolan just looked from Mr.Coleman to me, then stormed down the hallway.

After he left so did everyone else, and I peacefully got my books from my locker. Before going to class I go to the bathroom to wash the blood off my face from when Nolan punched me. When I look in the mirror I access the damage. Well, I know is I'm going to have a nice bruise on my face later on. The bell rung so I hurried to get the blood off my face, but am not fortunate enough to get it out of my shirt.

    It is now the last period of the day, and it has flown by without someone even glancing my way. That is until the bell rings. When I walk out I see Nolan and a few of his goons standing there waiting for me.

They grabbed my arms and started to drag me out of the school. When they got to the back door, they opened it, threw me on the ground, and started kicking me.

    After about half an hour of torture they left me laying there on the ground. It took me awhile but I got up and slowly made my way home. I was greeted by yelling and a punch to the face, seeing as I was about an hour late. "You good for nothing faggot" my dad yelled.

The sad thing is, is that those words should hurt, but I guess I just became numb to them. That and all the other things he had done to me.

I'm walking to my room when I started to here sirens in the distance. I don't think anything about it, because why would it involve little old me. So as I'm laying on my bed and there is a knock at the door, I don't question it. I mean that is until I hear my dad yell for me to go down stairs.

What I see both relieves and scares me. There are two police officers at the door, putting my dad in handcuffs.

    "Hey, what are you doing" I frantically ask as they start to drag him to the car. "Your father is being arrested for child abuse, we got a tip from one of your nice neighbors" one of the policeman answers.

My dad tries to pull away while screaming hurtful names my way. They got him secured into the car and they started to walk towards me, but they were huge and could do so much worse then what my father ever did, so I ran.

    I ran through the house and out the back door, and I could here them behind me. I had to lose them, I can't let them catch me, I don't know what they'll do to me.

I wove in between the houses and stopped when I couldn't here them behind me. Out of breath, walking by the little shops I ended up by, thinking about what just happened, when I see two of the most beautiful men I have ever seen.

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