Six Daycare and Shopping

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Bruce had gotten Dick to the bathroom just in time, but once Bruce set him down on the floor, Dick had an accident in his pants. "I'm sorry" Dick signed looking down at the floor. "I didn't mean to!" His whole body was shaking as he tried to back away with tears rolling down his face. "It's okay, Dick, I'm not going to hurt you," Bruce slowing walked over to him. "But you do need some clothes to change into," Bruce said as he gently placed his hands on Dick's shoulders. "Now, let's get you in the shower to clean you up, okay?" Dick nodded slowly.

Once Dick was out of the shower, Bruce had Alfred wash Dick's clothes, while Dick wore one of Bruce's Batman shirts. "Dickie, next time you feel that you have to use the bathroom don't wait, alright?" Bruce told Dick as he carried him to the living room. "Alfred is Lee ready for daycare?" He asked walking into the room. Hailey walked into the room holding her book bag and dressed. "I'm ready, daddy." She smiled at Bruce. "Alfred, I'm going to take Hailey to daycare and then take Dick to the mall," Bruce called from the front door. Alfred appeared around the corner "Master Richard needs a car seat for the ride, Master Bruce" Alfred said walking with them to the garage.

Alfred went over to one of the Mercedes, grabbing a car seat for Dick and putting it behind Bruce in the Ferrari. Bruce put Dick in the car seat, buckling him in and giving him a kiss. Alfred had put Hailey into her car seat and buckling her in. "Bye-bye Alfie!" Hailey said excitedly and waved to Alfred, who waved back with a smile.

A few minutes later, Bruce pulled out of the driveway and towards Hailey's daycare center. The drive to the daycare was not very long since it was only a little ways down the street. "We're here," Bruce said receiving a yay from Hailey. She unbuckled seatbelt and climbed out of the car. Bruce unbuckled Dick and carried him inside the daycare.

Once Dick noticed there were people he tried to hide, by burying his face into Bruce's shoulder. Bruce rubbed circles on Dick's back telling him it was okay as they walked to Hailey's classroom. When they reached the room, Dick could hear the kids playing, Bruce opened the door letting Hailey in. "Good morning, Ms. Sarah!" Hailey said happily. "Good morning, Hailey," Ms. Sarah turned to her then to Bruce. "Good morning Mr. Wayne. Who is this?" She asked noticing Dick in his arms. "This is Richard, but he is really shy," Bruce explained bouncing Dick on his hip. "He's quiet too, and takes most daddy's attention!" Hailey added causing Dick to start crying. "Hailey Danielle Wayne!" Bruce raised his voice, which only caused Dick to let out a scream and start shaking Bruce felt bad for scaring Dick.

"Hey it's okay you're not in trouble, Dickie" Bruce had started to rock him back and forth. Bruce set Dick down, who as always sat on the floor, to give Hailey a hug. "Dickie, don't sit on the floor." Dick stood up, hiding behind Bruce, who was hugging Hailey, and holding onto him. "Can we go now?" Dick signed on Bruce's back. "In a second, okay?" Dick nodded and said "Potty!" Bruce let go of Hailey and led him to the bathroom. After Dick was done, he and Bruce left and headed to the mall.

Once they arrived and Bruce took Dick out of the car, carrying him to the mall. When Dick saw how many people were inside, his breathing hitched and his grip on Bruce tightened. "Dick, it's okay, no one is going to hurt you," Bruce told him, trying to calm him down. Bruce continued his way to the store that he goes to with Hailey. Dick calmed down a little when they entered the store, there were only the cashiers and a couple there.

Bruce put Dick down, but Dick grabbed his hand and walked over to the boys' section. On their way, Dick spotted a shirt with a Batman logo on it, he let go of Bruce's hand and ran over to the shirt. "Dick, come back here!" Bruce said following behind him. Dick grabbed the shirt turning around, placing it on Bruce's chest and said "Batman!" He had a big smile on his face. "You want the Batman shirt?" Bruce asked and Dick nodded. They continued to look at the clothes.

When they were done Dick had 15 pairs of shirts, 10 pairs of pants, 2 packs of socks, and 3 packs of underwear. "You did really good, Dick, let's go and get you something." Dick smiled and made grabby hands at Bruce, who picked him up. Once they paid for the clothes, they headed to the toy store. Bruce put Dick down, who was squirming in his arms, and he ran off to look at the toys. Dick made sure he could see Bruce at all times. He was about round a corner when he ran into someone. Bruce saw Dick fall and ran over to him. When Bruce made it over to him, he noticed that Dick was shaking. "Dick, you need to be careful he's looking for you." A man told Dick.

Bruce picks Dick up, pulling him into a hug and turned to the man. "Who are you?" Bruce asked tightly hugging Dick as he cried. "I am Jake, I lived with Dick for the last 3 years. I just want to warn you that he's in danger." The man, Jake, explained sadly. "Who is looking for him?" Dick looked at Bruce "Zucco." Dick whispered and Jake nodded sadly.

Bruce looked at Jake and Dick reached for Jake. "Jakey!" He said excitedly with a smile on his face. Jake grabbed Dick, who hugged him tightly, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "How has he been?" Jake asked handing Dick back to Bruce. "Well, he's won't talk and if does it's only a few words like 'potty'" Bruce explained. "Every time I put him down he sits on the ground and won't eat unless I hand feed him. Why is that?" Jake looked at Bruce sadly. "Tony would treat him like a dog," Jake explained patting Dick on the head. "Bye buddy" Jake gave Dick one last kiss before walking out of the toys store.

Bruce put Dick down again, but this time held his hand as they walked down the aisles. Dick spotted a Batman plushie and grabbed it with a big smile. "Is that what you want?" Bruce asked and received a quick nodded from Dick. "Batsy!" Dick yelled happily.

Word count - 1126
Five days I know this chapter
Sucks I kinda ran out of ideas
While writing this but I wanted to
Keep the streak going as long as I can
I also don't know shit about cars I looked
Up the cars mentioned in this chapter

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