The Start of a Legend

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Kyle sees himself running, down a street that looks like Kat's, but there is destruction everywhere, the sky is as red as blood. Kyle turns his head and sees nothing, he then runs straight into a car hitting it so hard leaving a dent so massive it bent the frame. Kyle flips over the car, he starts to stand up and that's when he notices he is in a costume. A full black costume with a white 'X' on his chest, he then takes of the mask and sees there is a white 'X' on it as well. He stands up staring at the mask, then he hears an almighty scream. He turns and starts to run again yelling "KAT!!!!". As he is running down her street he sees that there are more cars he easily jumps all the cars he skids on the ground to stop so that he can turn. He stops outside and looks around him and sees that all of the houses are destroyed, all except Kat's house. Kyle hears another scream. Kyle sprints straight through the front door launching it straight into the wall just beyond the door, Kyle jumps on to a wall then jumps off of the wall up the flight of stairs. Kyle gasps as he sees Kat lying down on the floor in front of something, something big with small spikes coming off of it, he runs at the thing but gets knocked through a wall pushing him into Kat's parents room. The massive behemoth of a being walks through that wall, Kyle stands up and tries throwing punches at the thing as hard as he can, it take the punches then grabs Kyle's head. It starts to crush Kyle's head in it's hand. Kyle screams out in pain and kicks the thing in the face, the thing then grabs Kyle's legs and arms and shatter them with it's brute force. It drops Kyle. Kyle looks up and see it pick up Kat, Kat tries to kick and punch the beast to to have no luck, the thing grins at Kyle and puts it's massive hands around Kat's Face as she starts to scream. Kyle's left arm finishes healing and he tries to reach for Kat, and as their hands touch, it rips her head off and throws it at Kyle. Kyle screams.

Kyle jumps out of bed. Realizing it was all just a nightmare. But it felt so real, Kyle then gets out of bed, as he goes to take a step he notices marks on his arms and leg starting to heal. They look like exit wounds, from when someone breaks a bone and they go through the skin, Kyle starts to check the time. 6:00 pm, Kyle takes off his clothes all except his under wear. He throws on a plain grey shirt, a pair of black jeans and a blue and black chequerd shirt. He grabs a random pair of socks and throws on nice Nike shoes. He walks into Kayla's room and picks her up. She looks at him so intently, Kyle walks down the stairs and hears a knock on the door. Kyle walks over to the door and opens it to see its Julie. Julie is 5'5, with a smaller frame, she has short blond hair that barley goes further then her shoulders. She has a scar right above her lip, and she always has new scars on her.

Kyle starts a conversation. "Hey Julie" "Hey Kyle, how are you?" she responds. 'I'm pretty good Julie... how about yourself?" Kyle asks. "Same-Same" she answers, Kyle hands Kayla over to Julie and whilst doing so notices a fresh mark on Julies calf, as if someone had whipped her with something. As Kyle walks out the door, he says "You shouldn't let him hit you... if you don't stand up for yourself it won't stop"."What...nothings happening Kyle it's OK" Shes tries to defend her father, as Kyle is closing the door he say one more thing" Thanks for looking after Kayla but if he doesn't stop hurting you then I will sort it out". Kyle closes the door. Kyle then starts running to Kat's house.

As Kyle's running in super speed he looks at his phone and checks how fast hes going, the gauge it's going up quickly. 15 mph, 25 mph, then it hits 30 mph. Kyle keeps running and running until he gets to her street then he stops. He felt like he could a kept going for a longer but he wouldn't want her to see his powers, or well not just yet. Kyle gets right up to her house where he sees her on the hood of her dad's car.  "Whats up kitty Kat?" He says, "Nothing much superman" she responds. "Your never gonna get over my last name being Clark are you?"Kyle asks, "Umm.... No I don't think so" Kat responds starting to giggle.

The two start to walk down Kat's street towards the local Theatre, "So what are we gonna watch?" Kyle asks Kat. " Maybe we could watch Twi-Blood" Kat Responds, "Oh Yeah the vampire romance of the year" They start to joke. "But I love you Kyle... but your what my family hates the most... a Vampire" "My dearest Kathleen... I love you but your father spiked my Garlic Bread with Garlic" They both start to laugh, they look at one another just staring whilst walking.

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