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Kat and Mitch stand by one of three ambulances, as Kyle finishes talking to some police officers. " We are all right to go" Kyle says. He notices that Mitch is wearing a snow jacket even though its a 77 degree night. "I better get going" Mitch exclaims whilst running down the street whilst itching his arm. "OK Bye then" Kat says whilst looking towards Mitch. "It's getting late maybe I should take you home" Kyle says looking at Kat, "No, we came out to watch a movie and that's what we are gonna do" Kat says, staring deeply into Kyle's eyes. Kyle staring back thinks to himself she has the most beautiful green eyes, but that purple, that purple suites her. The two start walking in the direction of the movie theater and Kyle thinks to himself how tonight he is the luckiest man alive. Mitch is around the corner from his house, his eyes releasing all the fluid in them, "Whats happening to me?" he says to himself he lifts his sleeve to reveal scales that are appearing all over his skin.  

                                                                                         A Few Hours Later

Kyle lays in his bed, head down in a pillow, without a shirt on or pants. Just boxers, He hears his phone vibrate on his bedside table. ARRRGH he groans. He reaches over and picks up his phone, and sees a message from Kat, saying *Hey Superman, THX for last night after the night we had we needed it, id do it anytime :3* Kyle starts to grin, then he sees he has 29 missed calls from Mitch. I'll call him later Kyle thinks. Kyle slowly gets out of bed, cracking his joints and knuckles. Kyle walks over to his computer, he sits there and logs onto Face-Space. And he is going through his feed, when he sees all the text change, it just repeats itself. Over and Over again. It's too late, is all over the screen. His computer freezes on a photo that Adam posted not even an hour ago, What.... How? Kyle thinks to himself, the photo is of Adam next to Kyle, from back in Elementary School, back when they used to be friends. And he looks behind him and sees something, and its starts to move in the photo. Towards where the camera is, Adam and Him are missing their eyes. The thing jumps towards the camera, and something pushes Kyle straight off the chair straight back into wall.

Kyle starts to help himself back up when the high pitched noise comes screaming across his ears, causing them to bleed. Kyle screams in pain, he starts to punch the floor boards on his floor to try to dampen the pain, Kyle breaks straight threw the floor board cutting his arm open. Then the noise stops. Kyle starts to pass out from the pain, that was just caused from the noise when he sees someone walk in to Kayla's room. Kyle jumps to his feet, and sprints to her room stumbling in front of her door, then he sees the massive being from his dreaming about to pick up Kayla. Kyle sprints full speed to tackle the thing out the window. That's when he notices that he imagining it all of it. He tries to slow down but he goes flying out of the open window. Mid fall Kyle thinks to himself, this is going to hurt. Kyle lands on top of a pile of logs for the wood heater. Breaking his back and his neck. Kyle rolls off of the wood barley. Kyle finally passes out. 

Kathleen sits in front of her mirror in her room, I feel so close to Kyle she thinks, Doe's he feel the same way, I can't explain anything that happened last night, but I was with Kyle. I have gotta tell him how I feel, but how. I will go to his house tonight. I will try to...No I will tell him how I feel. No matter what, I will get it off my chest. Kat starts to get ready for tonight. She grabs Purple Lipstick and starts to apply it to her lips. 

Mitch is hiding in his room. In the dark. He's peeling the scales off his skin, and that's when his face gets covered in thick fur, so thick he can barley see through it, that's when his door opens, his little brother Dylan walks in. Dylan is 7, and is a very small kid for his age. He also has struggles to pronounce words and names. "Mickh Mickh?" Dylan calls out. Dylan sees the outline of something in the room. Mitch starts to back off into a corner. His brother runs into the corner, and Mitch jumps onto the room and sticks to it like a spider or any other insect. Dylan keeps looking around. Mitch is starting to unstick from the ceiling."Dylan hurry up your brother isn't here he stayed at Kyle's last night, come on" Dylan's and Mitch's mother shouts from across the house. Dylan runs out of Mitch's room, and shuts the door. Mitch then falls from the ceiling onto his bed. He needs to see Kyle he thinks, He might be able to help me. But not yet, I need to figure out where to hide in the house.

"Oh My God Kyle are you hurt?" says a soft gentle voice, Kyle opens his eyes to see Julie, "Yeah I just slipped over while splitting some wood no biggie" Kyle responds. "You came out into your backyard to split wood half naked" Julie says starting to smirk. Kyle then remembers that all he has on are a pair of boxers. Kyle jumps up covering his front area. "How does a Kid that never works out get that ripped" Julie asks trying to keep her eyes looking at Kyle's. "Um vitamins, and the once a day half a sit up" Kyle responds with, whilst starting to fake a giggle, Julie starts to giggle. Kyle stands up and starts to walk over towards the back door, Julie jumps over the fence, "Bye" both of them yell from across the fence. Kyle walks back up to his room and sees his Mom, sitting on his bed with her arms crossed. Looking up at him.

"Hey Mom" Kyle says walking to wards his closet to put on a pair of jeans, he brushes his hand through his hair saying "What's up". "I don't know you tell me, number one yesterday I had gotten a call from the school saying that you started a fight yesterday with Adam Gorgo, and then I hear that yesterday Him and his friends attacked you and he died, That's whats up Kyle, did you kill him" Veronica asks sincerely whilst looking at Kyle in the eyes. " No Mom why the hell would you think that?.... I didn't start a fight he did and even then I didn't even touch him, Mr. Ronson of course blamed me, and yesterday Adam and his friends beat me to a pulp, so then I beat them, and Adam said something that is haunting me, and slit his throat Mom!"Kyle replies angrily just at the thought that he would of done something like that. 

"OK...OK I know I just wanted to hear you say it, just because you've been very distant lately, not to mention he attacked you and very well could have done it" Veronica says to try to reassure him. "Just from the thought of you thinking that I could have, no sorry wouldn't have" Kyle says. Kyle turns around grabbing a jacket off his chair. Jumping over the small  balcony to get downstairs. Kyle opens the front door, walks through it turns to look towards his Mother, and walks out the door slamming it behind him. Veronica puts her face in the palms of her hands. She starts to ball her eyes in tears. She checks her phone again to see if she was imagining it, the text messaged she had received from Kyle's father, Jack Clark. The message saying, *I hope you've missed me i'm coming back and you better teach that boy of ours some manners before I get back*. 

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