Dick Grayson - I See Her Too

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Word Count: 2,185


You rolled your eyes as you watched two, inexperienced thugs dart out of a liquor store and into the dimly lit alleyways of Gotham. You slowly stand up, with a slight sigh, before jumping to the next rooftop and sticking the landing perfectly. You refrain from giggling to yourself as you watch them try to run, knowing that they wouldn't get away. The chase starts and ends relatively quickly as you are soon standing back and admiring your work as you see the two thugs tied to a garbage dumpster with the bag of money sitting beside them.

Taking a step forward, you notice that your bo staff left quite the mark on one of the crooks' face. You finally let the slight giggle escape your lips and start to walk away as you hear the sirens approaching, but you suddenly hear a voice that you knew too well from one of the surrounding rooftops.

"And I thought MY ass looked good in spandex."

You could hear the smirk in his voice as you turn around and smile.

"Jealous Grayson?", you smile and quickly start climbing one of the pipes up to the roof he was on. His grin still lit up his face as the two of you started walking across the rooftop in no hurry to be anywhere. As a number of seconds passed, you reached your arm inside his and laced your fingers together with your boyfriend's. Your other hand rubs the suit on his arm gently as you press a kiss to his shoulder.

"I miss you. How's Bludhaven?", you ask softly. He had been away for a while this time. Of course, you saw each other every weekend and most days, but it was completely different to not have him by your side every night on patrol with you.

"It's good. Quieter than normal, so I may be taking more time up here with you", he adds as he smiles and presses a soft, warm kiss to the side of your (Y/F/C) domino mask, at your temple. Even though it was so small of a touch, it was perfect to you. Warmth spread throughout your body as your entire face spread into a gigantic, girly grin as you blushed and buried your head into his shoulder.

The two of you sat down on the edge of the rooftop with your legs dangling over the edge, still holding hands, as you watched people go by and listened to the car horns and sirens in the distance. A small smile remained permanently etched onto both of your faces as you enjoyed the other's company. You scooted closer to Dick and he wrapped his arm over your shoulders, pulling you flush against his side as he kisses your temple again.

"You missed", you grumble.

He looks down at you confused for a brief second before you look up and give him a toothy grin before pursing your lips and pressing them gently to his.

He immediately smiles into the kiss and bends his head to the side for a better angle as he pulls his other hand up to up your cheek gently. You lean into his touch as he deepens the kiss slightly. Just as you started to crawl onto Dick's lap, he chuckles and hugs you tightly to his chest. You fake pout lightly as you try to not make it obvious that you were enjoying the feeling of having the air squeezed out of your lungs in a hug.

"Here I am, trying to be sexy, and you're laughing at me ...", you smile and he laughs again, pulling you back so he can look at you. "(Y/N)?"


You look into his eyes and give him an unamused look.

"I ... I love you", he smiles somewhat shyly, which is NOT normal for Dick. Your heart immediately starts beating faster as you grin and launch yourself into his lap with a giggling fit erupting from your throat. You knock him over and he lays on the ground laughing with his arms around your waist as you pepper all over his face and neck with light, soft kisses. After a little bit of innocent kisses, and then a little more heated ones, you both finally pull back for breath and you allow yourself to lay on his chest with your face in his neck.

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