I'm in love with the hot new guy. Did I mention he's blind? Chapter 5

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Well heres the next chapter. Hope you guys like it and thanks for becoming a fan and voting and commenting. I love it everytime I go on wattpad and see a new fan or comment. It always makes my day. So don't forget to vote and comment and fan if you like my story. So heres chapter 5.

I'm in love with the new hot guy. Did I mention hes blind.


Chapter 5

I heard the door being opened and closed. I fell asleep before the movie even ended along with Shay. Shay woke up too and yawned. He looked so cute. Anthony and Mac came in. They looked upset about something.

"So how was he?" Shay asked. Anthony looked at me and then back at Shay.

"We will talk about this later." Anthonys voice seemed off. Shay seemed to notice this too and didn't say anything else.

"I better get home." I got up and started walking towards the door.

"I'll walk you home." Anthony got up and walked towards me.

"Its fine I live like four doors down." He continued walking towards the door and opened it.

"I need the fresh air anyways." Once we were outside he spoke up again.

"Thank you for keeping Shay company tonight. I know he hates being alone. Even if he won't admit it." Anthony said.

"No problem." I looked at him. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine just alittle bit of bad news."

"Oh." I didn't want to ask him what bad news because that would be really nosey of me so I kept quiet.

I unlock the front door of my house and turned around "Well goodnight."

"Goodnight and if we aren't in school tomorrow don't be worried." With that he turned around and left.


He was right when he said they wouldn't be their tomorrow. They didn't show up for the rest of the week. I was sort of sad and alone. Saturday came around and I marched right up to the door and knocked. No one answered. The same with Sunday. No one answered. When Monday rolled around I was completely depressed.

Mandy seemed to be a complete bitch everyday they were gone. I ignored her everytime she even talk to me or made fun of me. After awhile I guess she gave up.

Where were the boys? Did they move away and not tell me? They can't be gone, they are my only friends here and anyways they just moved here. They can't be gone already, right?

Lunch time Monday I sat and wrapped my arms around myself. I was sitting underneath a tree outside the school. I started crying but I knew no one would see me. Everyone was at lunch with theire friends. Well thats what I thought until I felt a tap on my shoulder. My first thoughts were it was one of the boys but as soon as I looked up I was completely disappointed and surpised by who I saw.

"Hey, whats wrong?"

"Nothing leave me alone." I said alittle lounder then I intended.

"Not until you tell me whats wrong."

"Why are you even talking to me? You hate me, I hate you. You make fun of me all the time for no reason."

"Its not funny anymore making fun of you since youv'e been ignoring us."

"Well I'm sorry for ruining your fun." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Whats wrong? Is it about those new guys?"

"Maybe. Why do you want to know. Were not friends. So why do you care?" I asked looking up right into their eyes.

"I could really care less but I figured I would just sit down and chat because I have nothing else better to do." It was quiet for a couple of minutes until I spoke up.

"I don't know where they went. They just disappeared. All four of them." I took a big breath.

"So whats the big deal?" They said nonchalantly.

"Well I'm alittle short on friends at the moment." I hissed back.

They thought about this for a moment and looked back at me and smiled. "Well if you don't tell anyone we could be friends."

"Why? Why can't people know were friends and why would you even be my friend? Anyways real friends don't hide their friendship." I looked into their eyes.

"I know but like you said your short on friends and beggars can't be choosers. I'm the only one youv'e got and the reason why I'm being your friend is because I think your pretty cool even if my friends don't. " I thought about this for a minute. Its my only option for friendship.

"I guess." I said uncertain just as the bell rang. We both got up just as they spoke.

"Okay then. Secret friends it is then." We both turned around to walk away when I turned back around.

"Oh yeah and Ryan? Thanks for sitting and talking to me."

Ryan turned back and started walked backwards.

"Your welcome but don't tell anyone." Then he turn and disappeared down the hallway.


Hey guys hope you guys liked it. FYI Ryan was from the first or second chapter. I only mentioned him. Hes the IT boy. You know Mandys boyfriend. Don't freak out the 4 boys are coming back.

P.S. Anybody Team Ryan??

I'm in love with the hot new guy.  Did I mention he's blind?Where stories live. Discover now