I'm in love with the hot new guy. Did I mention he's blind? Chapter 6

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So heres the next chapter. Hope you guys like it.

I'm in love with the new hot guy. Did I mention he's blind?


Chapter 6

They have to be home. They have to be home. They have to be home. I kept repeating in my head. I looked at their house right in front of me and knocked.

Come on.

Please someone answer the door.

After about ten minutes of standing there I decided to just go home. I did my homework, took a shower, ate and then went to bed.

I layed there looking at the ceiling when I heard a noise. Someone was throwing pebbles at my window. I open it up.

"What are you doing here?" I asked looking down at him. Ryan was climbing up the tree to my window.

"I was bored and I thought I would pay a visit to my best secret friend in the world." Ryan slurred as he climbed threw my window.

"Ryan have you been drinking?" I could smell alcohol all over him.

"No of course not. I would never." He smiled and started to laugh. I could see a bruise on the side of his cheek and his lip was busted open.

"Ryan what happen to you?" I helped him walk to the bed and got the first aid kit out of the bathroom. I sat down next to Ryan and turned him so he was facing me.

"Ryan, please tell me what happen to you!"

"Nothing, please don't ask me that again. I don't want to lie to you but I can't tell you the truth." He said in a soft voice.

I was cleaning him up when some of my hair fell in front of my face. Ryan swept it behind my ear.

"You know your really pretty. Your prettier then.....whats her face? That chick......You know my girlfriend....ummm Mandy. Yeah thats her name Mandy."

"Maybe you shouldn't drink so much next time." I was trying to hold in my laughter but I felt a smiled appeared on my face.

"Well at least my drinking had one positive, it made you smile." Ryan said while smiling back at me.

"So why did you come here and not to Mandys or your other friends?" I said changing the subject.

"Come on, I know your smarter then that. They aren't really true friends and Mandys a complete bitch half the time. All of them including Mandy would turn her back on me in a heartbeat if I screwed up." True, they would do that just as Mandy did to me.

"Did you need to stay here tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah, I don't want to go home right now."

I helped Ryan lay down and then I set up a bed for me on the floor. He fell asleep the instant his head hit the pillow. I could see him sleeping from where I was laying on my home made bed. So this is what a secret friend does.

I wonder where the boys are.


I know its really short but I don't have time right now. I'll write more soon, I promise. P.S. don't worry the boys will be back soon.

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I'm in love with the hot new guy.  Did I mention he's blind?Where stories live. Discover now