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Taehyung's hands were sliding down Jimin's back as the taller boy softly kissed him. He was lying underneath Jimin and he could see Taehyung smiling, even though his eyes were closed. Jimin didn't want to close his. He didn't want to miss a single thing.
Taehyung suddenly opened his eyes and glared at the black haired boy, causing Jimin's face to take the colour of a tomato. The other boy chuckled into Jimin's mouth, and then closed his eyes again.
Jimin felt Taehyung's tounge slowly search itself into his mouth and it was like fireworks filled up his entire body. He couldn't help but closing his eyes and it felt as if the world had stopped moving to leave room for the two.

Slowly, but safely,Jimin started to pull them both up into a sitting position. Taehyung just followed and slow,y the kiss broke off.
Taehyung grabbed Jimin's shirt and softly pulled it over his head. When he was done, he left a little kids on Jimin's nose. Jimin on the other hand couldn't bare the teasing, so he pulled Taehyung into a hard kiss. As they were kissing, Taehyung's shirt came off rather easy and they rolled over. Now Jimin was underneath the other and he opened his eyes again to sneak a peek of his upper body. It was beautiful as expected. He tired his hardest to explore every single bit of it, without moving too much.

Taehyung's skin was so smooth everywhere. His stomach, his chest, his shoulders, his arms.... His arms.

Jimin broke off the kiss and sat up. Taehyung looked at him with a confused face, until he realised. Jimin had grabbed one of his arms and looked up at the beautiful boy sitting in front of him.

"You weren't supposed to see that!" Taehyung exclaimed angrily and pulled himself away from Jimin.

"What have you done, Tae?! Is everything okay??" Jimin said worryingly and tried to catch Taehyung's hand. He couldn't, as the boy was trying his best to but his shirt back on.

"Hey, Taehyung, answer me!!" Jimin jumped off of the bed and grabbed the taller boy's covered arm. Taehyung snatched it right out of his hand and pulled away.

"Jimin, you would never understand!!!!!" Taehyung cried out with tears of anger and heartbreak in his eyes.

"Then make me!" Jimin shouted and tried once again to catch his hand, but the boy stormed out of his bedroom. Jimin helplessly ran after him, through the kitchen, into the hallway. Taehyung was putting on his shoes, so Jimin took the opportunity to grab him from behind. The taller boy shook him off and turned around.

"If you hadn't taken off my shirt, you would never had seen them! I can't believe you did it!" He shouted, causing Jimin's anger to build up inside of him.

"I didn't know you didn't want to! And you actually helped me do it! Stop acting like a baby, and tell me what's wrong!" He shouted back. He saw the effect of his words hit Taehyung like a truck. A silent tear fell down the the taller boy's cheek.

"No, Tae, no I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" Jimin walked over to him and raised his hand to dry the tear. Like a reflex, Taehyung smacked Jimin's hand away with his own and turned his head down so his eyes met Jimin's. Jimin could see the pain in them, and another tear slipper out of his right eye. Taehyung just nodded, before he openef the door.

"Bye Jimin." He said, stepped outside and slammed the door in his face.

Jimin just stood there, still shirtless, in Taehyung's hallway like and idiot. A big ass fucking idiot. Without even noticing that tears had started to fall, he went into Taehyung's room and put his shirt on.


"Taehyung?!" Jimin called out again. He had been running around in the neighborhood, trying to find him. He stopped to catch his breath and leaned against the handrail of the bridge he was now standing on. He looked out over the crowded motorway underneath his feet. Or, it's usually crowded at this time of the day, now there were almost no cars on it. Jimin wrinkled his forehead and leaned further out so that he'd have a better view. Wierd, all of the cars had stopped, and the people inside of them had gone out into the road. They had stopped to look at something.

Jimin could barely see anything. He moved a few feet to the left, and now he had a clear view. There was someone lying there, in the middle of the crowd. Someone with a dark green bomber jacket.

hope you enjoyed this, I'd love to hear what you thought of this!!
new chapter tomorrow :)) pls don't kill me

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