Chapter 1:My Birthday

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I had captured the perfect moment outside the window that I was staring through, I hurried to finish my sketch of a red and black ladybug that was sitting on a petal of a white rose. I couldn't help but think how beautiful it was and my sketch was capturing that exact beauty. I had drowned out the voice of the teacher lecturing the class on the process of meiosis and the variation of every human's genetic makeup, don't get me wrong I love biology but not on a Friday as my last period of the day. I had completed my drawing five minutes before the bell rang, so I began packing my books into my bag then slinging it over my shoulder. Dark clouds were gathering in the sky and I was kind of excited as I loved the rain, as it gave me the chance to lie in bed with a bowl of popcorn watching movies and my current favorite series Breaking Bad. The bell rang and students slowly started leaving the classroom and then rushing down the halls screaming and shouting as it was finally the weekend and knowing them all Friday means that it's party time.

As if on cue my phone buzzed in my pocket and I took it out to read it.

Party tonight at 5 Caraway Street, A.K.A Logan Christos house. Party starts at 9 pm!

It was an invitation to one of the usual Friday night parties but it must have been a special occasion since it was being hosted at none other than the Logan Dimitri Christos' house, which was very rare.

I was on my way to my locker to grab my gym bag and a few books that I would need for the weekend. I found my keys and placed them in my pocket before my phone buzzed. I read the message on the way to my car.

Texted from Kim: Hey Harps are you going to tonight's party?

Me: I was thinking about going. Meet me at my place at 6 and we will get ready and leave together.

Kim: See you at 6, I'll bring some pizza and coffee with.

Kim has been my best friend since I started high school and this was our last year in this hell hole. Kim has bright red hair that flows down to her mid-back, I have to say that my best friend is beautiful with her bright green eyes, slim figure with curves in all the right places. The guys at school practically drool over her but she never pays attention to them, as she is waiting for her soulmate. Kim and I, well actually a lot of the people in our school were werewolves so we would one day find our soulmates. It was just a matter of waiting for it to happen.

I looked at my watch to see that it was 4 pm, so I decided that I would go to the gym for an hour before going home. After my session at the gym, I headed home to find that Kim was already here. I walked into my house to find a plate of pizza and an iced coffee shoved into my hands before Kim sat down and flipped through the channels to find something to watch while we ate our dinner. I was lucky enough to have my own small apartment as my parents were constantly traveling, so they thought it was best for me to have something small rather than having to live in a huge house all by myself. I didn't really live alone as Kim stayed with me most of the time, her house was a couple of blocks away but she found it extremely annoying having to be surrounded by her noisy brothers. I really wouldn't know how she feels as I am an only child whereas she is the only girl of 7 children and the cherry on top was that she was the youngest, so her brothers were very overprotective.

I had just finished my iced coffee when I realized that Kim and I only had an hour to get ready for the party tonight. She had already showered, so she started straightening her hair while I went to have a quick shower. Who knew that I could wash my hair, shave and wash my body in under 10 minutes, it was certainly a new personal record of mine. Climbing out the shower I grabbed a towel to dry myself off before wrapping my gown around my body, as I did not want to dirty my clothes while doing my hair and makeup. I opened the door and a cloud of steam escaped the bathroom. Kim had already started on her makeup which meant I had to get my ass into gear before we were late. I began drying my hair upside down to give it a little volume for me to be able to style it with some wavy curls. I kept my makeup simple with some mascara and black eyeliner around my waterline so that it would complement my light ocean blue eyes and make them pop slightly. I dabbed a bit of shiny gold eyeshadow on my eyelids and some light pink blush on my cheeks before using a makeup brush to blend it out so it would look natural.

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