Chapter 2:The Hangover

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Character Sketches of characters that we met in chapter 1

Harper Rose Winter (Soulmate Logan Dimitri Christos) Feisty, stands her ground

· Dark brown hair

· Light ocean blue eyes

· Slim but you can see I workout

Wolf is  Candice

Kim (Soulmate Zach) Sassy

· Red Hair down to mid-back

· Bright green eyes

· Slim figure with curves

Logan Dimitri Christos- Firm and strict. Few sides to him

· Alpha

· Green eyes

· Black hair

· Tall and muscular

Kyle- cheeky and playful

· Beta

· Wolf Alekos

· Hazel brown eyes

· Tall and Muscular

· Brown hair

Zach- Calm personality but firm in what he does

· Third in command

· Curly light brown hair

· Blue eyes

· Kim's Soulmate

I had only managed to probably have an hour or two of sleep before I woke up. I then just kept tossing and turning not managing to find a comfortable position to lay in, in the massive bed. Something was troubling me, and I just couldn't seem to figure out what it was. I sat up in the bed and looked towards a large window that had white light coming through it. Tonight, was a full moon. I always love sitting and just watching the moon when it is at its fullest and brightest, it seems to just have such a calming and magical feel to it.

I stood up and swayed over to the window. I opened the one half before sitting down on the ledge below it. The night air was cool, but it was refreshing on my tired body. Looking out over the forest I could see the wolves who were out on their nightly patrol shifts ensuring that the territory that we lived on was secure. I found myself daydreaming while gazing over the forest. I was broken out of my trans when my eyes locked with a wolf who seemed to be staring right at me. He looked quite large. His coat was shining in the white light from the moon and his green eyes pierced right through me.

I felt uneasy with our staring contest but neither of us seemed to want to break first. It's as if this had turned into a competition of who would possibly submit first. This for some reason stirred some anger up within me and I was determined not to give in first. I sat there challenging the green eyes for what seemed liked hours before I watched something else grab his attention. In a blink, he was gone.

I woke up a few hours later with a bad hangover. I had somehow fallen asleep on the ledge next to the window. I scanned the room to find that I was still the only one in here. For some reason, I had expected some other drunk wolves to have crashed in the room as well as I had not locked the door behind me last night.

After orientating myself in the room I decided that I desperately needed a shower and possibly some pain killers to ease my headache. Sharing a bottle of vodka between two people will definitely leave you feeling like you were hit by a bus the next day. After my shower, I began my hunt in the bathroom searching for anything that would help with my headache.

I felt better after my shower and I was hoping the pain killers would kick in soon so that my headache would disappear. I grabbed all of my belongings that I had brought with me to the party and made my way downstairs. I was still in the white shirt that I slept in last night as I had no intention of putting my dirty party clothes on.

I walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water before heading home. It was still quite early, and I didn't expect any of the party animals from last night's party to be up anytime soon. One could expect them to sleep all weekend. As for me, my weekend was going to be filled with me lying on my couch wrapped up in a blanket eating whatever food I could possibly get my hands on.

Grabbing a glass from the cupboard and filling it up with some water I glanced around the house as I sipped it. The house looked like a hurricane had come through it. I'm grateful that I won't be the one to attempt to clean this place up.

Once I made it through my front door, I dropped everything that was in my hands at the bottom of my stairs. Being as lazy as I was, I grabbed the first blanket I could find in my bedroom and a pillow before going back downstairs to wrap myself up like a burrito on the couch. First things first were I had to find food, something to keep my thirst satisfied for probably the rest of the day and a movie or series to start watching. I began my search on Netflix for what I could possibly watch. I started a show called "Better Call Saul" and manage to make it through the first season before falling asleep on the couch.


I could clearly see the bright green eyes staring me down again. But this time they were closer to me than our first encounter. This time the eyes belonged to a human body. I could only see the black silhouette to whom the eyes belonged to. The figure was tall. He looked pretty muscular and seemed to be as bare as the day he was born but due to him being as far in the dark as he was, I couldn't see a thing besides those bright green eyes. The longer I stare into his eyes the more I feel drawn to him and I just want to be closer to whomever this mysterious person is.

I was woken up by the front door closing. Leading me to believe that Kim was home. I sat up to continue watching the second season of "Better Call Saul", I knew that Kim would join me when she was done with whatever she was busy with. I heard the shower turn on. I had zoned out completely indulging in the episode which I was currently on and didn't realize Kim walk into the room, so I got such a fright the moment she sat down next to me on the couch. Kim and I spent the rest of the evening watching tv and just eating everything that was left in our house. We didn't speak about anything that happened the previous night at the party, but I knew we would probably just speak about it in the morning.

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please leave your thoughts in the comments and if you have any questions about the story so far ask away.

Have a wonderful day and stay safe!

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