Chapter 4: Pizza Night

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I lay there on my back with the rain pouring down onto my face. I just had to lie there breathing in order to gather my thoughts. I stood up feeling a little weak on my feet. I slowly put one foot in front of the other and started walking back home. I didn't have the energy to run and my head was flooded with so many questions that I couldn't even think straight.

Without noticing I was now standing on my front doorstep, soaking. The rain helped wash off most of the mud that was on my back, but I still need to have a shower. I felt like I was moving in slow motion the green eyes were consuming my thoughts.

My front door whipped open in front of me and there stood Kim. She looked utterly confused as to why I looked as if I had been dragged behind a horse.

"Umm, what happened to you. I thought you just went for a run. You look like you've been in a mud wrestling competition of some sorts." Kim laughed as she looked at me. I could tell she was amused by my appearance.

"I just slipped while on my run. Those winding paths are quite slippery when it's raining." I couldn't mention to her that I had been tackled to the ground by a huge wolf with mesmerizing green eyes that have seemed to consume me.

"I need to have a shower before we have dinner," I said while stepping through my front door and passed Kim. I could smell that there was someone else here. It's probably Zach. My assumption was right when Zach appeared from the lounge to greet me.

"Hey Harper, it's nice to see you again." He said with a sweet smile on his face. Kim had walked over to him and he pulled her closer into his side before placing his nose against her head. He must have been smelling her and taking in her scent. It is weird seeing Kim with someone and being so close and cuddly, but I'll slowly get used to it the more often that I see them together.

"Well I don't want to be rude, but I really need a shower. I don't want to have dinner with you guys smelling like a wet dog." I said before heading towards the stairs.

"Harper, we were actually wondering if you wanted to join us at the packhouse. They are having a pizza and movie night for just the members of the house and their mates. It's the weekly thing that they do to keep the 'family' vibe going in the house." Kim seemed nervous asking me this. Maybe she thought that I would say no. But in all honestly, the last thing I wanted to do was cook dinner and clean up. Pizza for dinner sounded amazing right now.

"I would love to join you guys for pizza at the packhouse. Are you guys going to wait for me while I shower, or should I just join you there when I'm done?" I asked hoping that they would go ahead rather than wait for me. I needed a little bit of alone time after this afternoon's run.

"I think we will go ahead, and you can meet us there if you are fine with that? We do need to stop and pick up a few things for dessert on the way over there."

"That's perfect. I wouldn't want you guys waiting around for me. Is there anything that I can bring with or pick up on my way over?" I looked over at Zach and Kim waiting for their answer.

"No, I think we've got it all," Zach said before squeezing Kim's hand.

"See you in a bit then," I said to them as the walked out of the front door.

When I heard the door click, I began walking up the stairs. My shower was calling my name. I was cold and the mud that was on me was now dry and pulling my skin in all different directions. I walked into my room, not really bothering to turn on the lights. I was able to navigate any obstacle course in my room.

I stepped into my bathroom closing the door so that it was only open a smidge to allow some of the steam to escape. The bright white lights in my bathroom made everything extra bright just the way that I liked it. I turned the hot water on in the shower so that it would start warming up the bathroom while I wrestled the wet and muddy clothes off of myself. Throwing them into the washing basket I carefully stepped into the shower ensuring not to burn myself in the stream of hot water. I adjusted the cold water tap just enough to allow myself to step into the hot water streaming down.

My showers were always hot and so were my baths. If I didn't step out from either one of them looking like a red lobster then neither bath nor shower was good enough. I didn't spend too long in the shower. I just made sure that I washed all of the mud off of me and washed my hair. Luckily, I didn't have to shave as I had just recently gone for a wax and I was practically as smooth as a hairless cat.

I turned off the water as I felt that I had accomplished what I needed to in the shower. I looked like a lobster, but I smelt fruity and fresh. I grabbed the one towel hanging over the shower door and wrapped it around my head to dry most of the wetness off while I dried my body off and rub some lotion into my skin.

Once I felt like I had enough lotion on my body I removed the towel from my body and the one from my head. I brushed my hair into my usual chosen way of wearing it so that it would dry that way. I wasn't planning to do anything special for my appearance tonight I just wanted to look somewhat presentable. I quickly brushed my teeth and looked over my appearance in the mirror. I hung up both of my towels so that they would dry. I didn't see any reason to walk into my room with a towel on and then have to walk back into the bathroom to hang it up. I sometimes enjoy walking around my room naked but who doesn't.

I began rummaging through my draws looking for something to wear. I knew what was in what draw and didn't need the light to pick out what I wanted. In my underwear draw, I pulled out white lace bottoms and a white bra that made my bust look really good. I threw it onto the bed before moving to my draw that contained my shirts and pulled out a white tank top with a gold design on it. I also grabbed a light blue pair of high waisted shorts. I put on a pair of socks that I found before walking over to sit on my bed.

As I turned around to sit down a figure appeared in front of me. The fright that I got had me walking back until the back of my legs hit the bed and I lost my balance falling down onto my back on my soft blankets. I was terrified of what was going to happen to me. I didn't want to die naked in just a pair of socks. The figure was stalking towards me. I just lay there too scared to move. My eyes were closed waiting for whatever was going to happen to me.

I felt a weight being applied on either side of me on the bed and the feel of fabric against my legs. I decided to open my eyes and I looked straight into a pair of bright green eyes. The same pair of green eyes that I had seen the last few times.

Except for this time, those eyes were in human form rather than wolf. I must have been holding my breath because when I breathed in again his scent filled my lungs. The smell somewhat calmed me, but I was still terrified. He smelt the same way that the air does just before a huge storm was about to arrive with a hint of vanilla. Nothing was said between us. We were just staring at each other and I was too scared to move.

He used one leg to open mine so that he could move between them. I still couldn't see his face even though he was so close to me. Being between my legs had my mind all over the place. Well mainly in the gutter. He moved his head so that it was in the crook of my neck. I could feel his lips gently tracing the skin of my neck and his nose rubbing against me while he was breathing in my scent.

My fear was slowly turning into arousal and I knew before long he would be able to smell it which somewhat made me terrified yet more turned on because of everything that was running through my head. I was brought out of my distracted state by one little word coming from his mouth.

"MINE!" he growled.

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