Chapter 12

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Pete's Pov:

On the way back home, we all shifted into our true self. Then for most of the walk it was silent.

After a few miles, we all settle down to rest. Matt sets me down and leans me against a tree. I look around the group, and I see Preston drifting off, like a day dream.

"Preston?" I ask.

He shakes his head and looks at me.

"You okay there? Your drifting off."

He blushes.

"Something happened..." He says smiling.

"I am guessing it is good."
He nods.

"What happened?"
"Rob kissed me!" Preston yells ecstatic.

Kenny looks at Preston in surprise. "Really?!"

Preston just nods.

"Awe Preston had his first kiss." Mitch teased.
Preston blushes.

"Congratulations." Matt calls out to Preston then looks back at me. "Can you feel your legs princess?"

I shake my head. "No..."

"You will be better. When we get back." Choco calls out to me.

"I overheard that they are going to go out hunting today. " Jerome says. "So let's hurry"

Matt nods. "You guys fly ahead. It will be faster"

"Are you sure? Preston asks worried.

"Yes you guys go." Matt tells them.

"I am stronger than you guys think." I add.

They just nod and shift into birds and fly off. I shift into a small rabbit and Matt picks me up.

"You sure you can hold it?" He asks.

I nods and he starts to speed walk back home.

A little while latter we enter the magic boarder and see the guys standing there.

I warn Matt and transform back into my self.

"Time to get to work." Choco states leading us into a hospital room.

Matt lays me on the bed, and Choco shows me a shot.

"I am putting you to sleep. Okay?" He asks.

I nod and I feel a pinch and my world fades to darkness.

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