Drarry Prophet Reviews

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Title: The Road to Recovery: A Drarry Fanfiction

Author: K.I. Rivers


Type: Chaptered

State: Complete

Rating: PG-13

Word count: 25,866

Warnings: Anxiety attack(s)

Summary: After the Battle of Hogwarts, all students were asked to return to repeat their year for a proper education, much unlike what they received the previous year with Death Eaters as professors. After Draco helps Harry calm down after a panic attack, they quickly learn that mental and physical changes (such as Draco's dyed blue hair) were not the only changes that took place, but emotional ones as well.

Tags: 8th year, PG-13, Angst/Drama, Alternative timeline, Fist time, slow build, Inter-house unity, Jealous, Medium 20k-60k

Quote: "I was taught to never let others see that you're vulnerable, and loving someone is signing up for exactly that. Day after day, letting someone see you at your lowest and allowing them. I don't think I can do that, Doctor... I pushed him away from me, literally shoved him and walked away. I wasn't myself, not the me I am now, that is. I-I," he took a shaky breath and did his best to steady his voice. "I'm scared, and I don't know what to do." 

It would really mean a lot if you were to comment and vote.  Tell me how you found my story, what parts made you laugh, if any made you cry, etc.  I love hearing about how you're liking my story :D

If you're wondering why/if you should even read this fic, here's why:

1. Drarry, I mean, that's kind of a given...

2. Who doesn't love a bit of teen angst?  I've got you covered!

3.  Bits of Deamus, Romione and Nuna here and there, so it's like a 2 for 1.

4. This book has the three things every Drarry story needs: Sass, gayness, and skinny love (aka, two people liking each other, but neither one wanting to say anything) which will probably make you yell "JUST KISS ALREADY BITCHES" at your screen and make you vv frustrated, yet you still continue reading anyway; it's great.

5. I don't have a five, but leaving it at four would have upset me, so yeah... just read it.

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