Chapter five

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She looked at him and smiled. He was lying against the wall and she was laying down on him, her face on his chest.

He had one arm around her waist.

" Hey Mari, wanna see something beautiful" he said as he transformed into his masked alter ego.

He stood up and lend her a hand. She smiled then took it. He wrapped a hand around her waist and took his stick with the other. He elongated his stick to make them rise in the night sky. When they stopped they were already over the clouds.

He squatted on the very tip on his stick and placed marinette on one of his legs.

" Wouahh! Marinette exclaimed as she gazed at the stars in front of her, the sky looks so close it feels like i could touch it."

" I know right, It feels like we're like gods right? he added as he slide a hand around her shoulder to pull her closer. But the sky feels empty when i'm not with you"

Marinette blushed but still found the courage to lay a kiss on his cheek.

She laughed as she saw her boyfriend's face turning red.

Then a wicked idea crossed her mind. She let her body lay back in the air, making her fall from Chat's lap.

"Marinette!" he screamed as she fell in the night sky.

They were pretty high in the sky, but Adrien couldn't help but imagine her body crushing against the ground. It was then he saw her face. She was happily smiling and rased her hands to him.

"Tikki spots on!"

Chat watched in astonishment as his princess turned into his favorite spotted heroine.

The masked girl laughed as she saw his stupefied expression.

She threw her yoyo to him and wrapped it around his body. She then pulled her yoyo back to her, closing the distance between them.

She took him in her arms.

"I love you" she whispered in his ear.

Chat grabbed her waist and pulled her even closer.

They both crashed against the floor. Thankfully there suits could absorbe any physical damage so the fall only felt like falling in a comfortable bed.

They both transformed in the dark, laughing in each other's arms.

" You're crazy." he said as he pulled her body tight against his.

"l know."

Adrien was lying over Marinette so it was hard for her to breath and talk.

He stood up and realize the situation.

He was over Marinette. Marinette was under him.

He blushed and didn't react for seconds. He had to encode the information. His girlfriend knew he was Chat, she loved both of his sides, She was ladybug. This was perfect !

Adrien grinned before passionately kissing the love of his life.

" Geez Marinette, that's unfair. I had to fall for you twice." He said as he took his lips off hers.

" It's not unfair remember, I fell for you twice too." she said as she looked straight into his eyes.

He stood up helping Marinette into his arms. He tightly hugged her.

" Don't you dare leave me." she said as she hugged him back.

" uh-uh Mari, you're stuck with this cat."

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