Chapter nine

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hey kid,are you sure you want to do this?

I have no choice Plagg!

You do, you just don't give yourself any other possibility.

If something else happens to Marinette I couldn't be able to forgive myself.

Plagg got a shill. He could feel it. Adrien's motivation. The cold feeling. He, a thousand year old god, felt a shill. He was intimidated, no scared, by a mere human. He sighed, there was nothing he could do at this point. He looked at Adrien and noded. He was ready to brake the rules.

Chat Noir jumped in the night sky. He knew this was wrong. A superhero couldn't use his powers to hurt a citizen, but what Chloe had done to Marinette was unforgivable.

He stopped in front of a busy restaurant. He had been tracking Chloe for about ten minutes and she was about to walk out. He hid in the shadows, waiting for his prey. He hurried her ugly laughter. He frowned, she was about to come out. When she showed up at the door he waited for her to walk in the alley he had hidden in. It was the easiest way to go back to the hotel and it wasn't really busy so it was a perfect way home. He waited until she was just a few centimeters from him.

" I've been waiting for you" he whispered from behind her back.

Chloe turned around. She looked stiffed, the sinister voice had just come from nowhere.She was alone in the alley. All she could see was... A pair of glowy green eyes, piercing the air in her direction. She took one step back. The eyes were glaring at her with such hate she nearly lost her cool.

" Be careful, my daddy is the mayor of Paris okay? you could go to prison for laying a finger on me." She said, crossing her arms and smiling in superiority.

She heared a slight noise. Liked a light breeze. She didn't have the time to react when she saw the green eyes a few millimeters from her face. Chat took Chloe's neck in one hand and violently pushed her against the wall.

" I would care about that if i gave a fuck." He said, looking up to her.

Chloe could barely breath. She had just realized the hero of Paris was attacking her. He was really strong. The fact he had been able to raise her in the air with one hand was really scary. Her feet didn't even touch the ground.

Chloe considered her options. obviously if she told her father about that he wouldn't believe her so she couldn't threaten her aggressor with that. Her only option was to scream. She opened her mouth but no sound came out. she was out of air...

Chat grinned

" Let me break this down for you.He said. Cats are really possessive. They have things they care about.. A lot.. So when you hurt those things... Well, a wicked grin crossed his face revealing his sharp teeths, It doesn't end well...."

"- what are you talking about? chloe asked, completely lost in his words.

" Today I found Marinette lying in the floor with cuts all over her body, he started, You annoying Adrien with your stupid groupie love is none of my business... But if you hurt my private property... you have to face the consciousnesses."

Chloe's eyes widened. She had just made a terrible mistake.

"By the way, you can tell your partner in crime about my visit, but if I here anyone else know something about our little talk, I wouldn't mind sacrificing a person or two for the sake of my secret." When he said those words he squeezed her neck even harder digging her skin with his sharp claws.

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