Chapter six

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The class had started an epic truth or dare before Marinette and Adrien bursted in the room and turning the lights of.


The whole room was took in panic. The girls hided under the blankets while the boys pretended to be asleep.

Adrien grabbed Marinette's hand and pulled her towards his bed. Two girls were already hiding under his blanket so he ran towards the closet.

The teacher opened the door, looked around and took a step in the room. It was dark so he couldn't really see anything.

The closet wasn't all that wide so Marinette was crushed against Adrien's chest. She could feel his heart beating fast and the sound of his irregular breathing.

" I-i-i'm sorry" she whispered.

As a response he gently kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear.

" It's ok princess."

Marinette's hands were on Adrien chest and he felt them getting colder and shaking a little. She was obviously terrified at the idea of being found out by the teacher. He calmly took her in his arms. He put one arm around her hips the other on her head.

Adrien was glad it was dark in the closet. His face was extremely red. He had never been this close to her for such a long period of time.

The thought of the conversation between the boys earlier came back to his mind.

" Marinette has really matured this last year" " her freckles get extra points"

Adrien gulped. He could feel her breath near his neck. She was breathing pretty heavily actually.

" Hey are you oka-" he stopped. Marinette raised her head. He couldn't see much but discerned her shiny blue eyes and pink lips.

He tucked her loose hair behind her ear and placed his hand on her rosy cheek.

She closed her eyes and smiled, clearly indicating she was waiting for a kiss.

Adrien lowered his face and-

" Ok guys the teach is gone" whispered a voice.

Marinette almost jumped in surprise. Adrien groweld. Whoever just said that was going to have a bad day tomorrow... He unwillingly opened the door of the closet and let Marinette go out first. She faked a sigh of relief to avoid any misunderstanding.

" That was close, she said, hey girls I really think we should go back to our room now."

Marinette's ability to act as though nothing had happened and inventing of plausible excuses had always amazed Adrien. He looked in amusement as the girls walked out the door in front of Marinette.

She looked around to make sure no one was looking and discretely winked at him.

He blushed then went back to his bed.

Marinette was really one hell of a girl...


After a long morning of studying the class was invited to have lunch in the Mcdonald's nearby. The teacher said the teenagers had the afternoon off and could wonder around in town.

The girls were on their way to take the orders while the boys arranged the tables for everyone to be able to sit.

"Dude i'm STARVING" said Nino.

" Here comes heaven" seared one of the guys as he let his body fall on one of the chairs.

The girls were walking towards them with a load of fast food.

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