chapter forty-eight

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"Morning sleepyhead," Luke's voice greeted me as I opened my eyes. "Happy Valentines Day beautiful." He kissed me on the cheek and I grinned to myself.

"Happy Valentines Day," I turned around to face him and planted a kiss on his nose.

I took a rough selfie with Luke and he hopped out of bed and left the room, so I went on twitter, attached the picture of us and tweeted 'Happy Valentines Day lovelies from me and Luke :)' to my followers, as they were mainly the boys fans.

After instagramming the same picture and scrolling through my tumblr, he came back into the room.

"Surprise." He grinned. He was holding a tray with food on it. Not just any food, but my favourite breakfast. Chocolate pop tarts, an egg and bacon roll with tomato ketchup, scrambled egg and hash browns with tomato ketchup on the side. There was a glass of water and a mini vase with a single red rose placed in it, and a card elegantly propped up against the small vase. He rested it on my lap once I had sat up, and I had a permanent smile plastered to my face.

"Thank you so much Luke," I smiled, squeezing his hand.


I took another picture, just so that I could remember this moment, and went to open my card. It was a cute little hand written note inside a corny valentines card.

Afterwards, I dug in. It was a mish-mash of food, but it made me smile as he knew exactly what my favourite breakfast foods were. "Aren't you eating?" I asked him, half way through a mouthful.

He shook his head. "No, I had a slice of toast downstairs whilst I was preparing your food."

Once I was finished, we sat in bed and watched Love Actually. I was so happy and I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have Luke.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked him, once the film had finished.

"I was thinking we could go to the park and then maybe chill at the beach tonight?"

"Sounds perfect," I snuggled back into his body, never wanting to leave.

An hour later, Luke had forced me to get up so that he could get ready. I had a shower and curled my hair, but put it up into a ponytail as it was stifling in Melbourne today. {Abbie's outfit: } I applied my makeup and got into my outfit, adding in my accessories when needed. I put all my stuff into my bag and unplugged my phone from it's charger and laid on the bed, waiting for Luke.

When he entered the room, he jumped on top of me. "Luuuuuke," I screeched.

"Yes, my love?" he said laughing in between kisses. I playfully hit him and he started to tickle me. Hell no, he wasn't going down without a fight.

After we'd finished messing around and I'd re-fixed my hair, we left to go to the park.

We walked there, admiring the view and stopping to take stupid selfies.

"I haven't told you today, but I love you," I grinned cheesily, squinting because the sun was behind Luke.

"I love you too, my little ice lolly."

"I want an ice lolly." I hummed.

"There'll be a ice cream truck at the park I guess, so we can get one then." I held his hand, swinging our arms backwards and forwards, pulling my sunglasses out of my bag. This day was going to be perfect.


We arrived at the park and we strolled through the trees, until we were in the heart of the huge area.

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