Be Nice

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Jotaro x Kakyoin - 

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Jotaro x Kakyoin - 

Kakyoin had enough of this. Jotaro was simply out of control this time - whether from male hormones or what, he was on a rampage. And by that, of course, Kakyoin meant he was back to being rude to his mother and annoyed by most people around him. Except for Kakyoin, of course.

The redhead flipped back his hair noodle, walking into the living room of the Kujo household. They had come to visit Holly, and now Jotaro -

"Stop peppering me with kisses, bitch," Jotaro huffed in annoyance at his mother's display of affection.

Boy, was that the last straw.

Kakyoin simply walked over, putting a hand on Jotaro's arm. The taller boy stiffened and looked over. "What was that?" Kakyoin asked, smiling sweetly at Holly. Jotaro clicked his tongue and went to pull away his arm, but Kakyoin's grip was firm. "Please excuse us for a moment, Mrs. Kujo," Kakyoin said politely. The older woman shrugged and smiled a silent thanks at Kakyoin as she walked out.

"Tch, what the hell was that about?" Jotaro said, trying to pull his arm away. Instead, Kakyoin dragged him to the couch and sat him down.

Jotaro was confused for a moment, until the redhead pulled him forwards and kissed him, causing his hat to topple off. His eyes widened in surprise, and then Kakyoin reeled back, glaring, "Do you think you can calm down now and stop being so rude?"

Jotaro just nodded, trying to shake off the surprised look on his face. 


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