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When young y/n was only 3, her mother was sadly killed due to cancer, ever since then your father slowly became depressed and drunk man, every day he would throw his bottle at you and kick you saying things like 'you should have died instead of your mother' or 'you should have never been born in the first place', you hated your dad but you had no other choice but to live with him, once in awhile you would try to run away but he would grab you before you even touch the door knob, after that he would punish you even more, sometimes even cut with a knife. you became scared of being touch by anyone, thinking that they would hurt you some kind of way. this happens for a while until one day on her 6th birthday....

y/n P.O.V:

you were about to walk out of your room just as your father slammed the door open and having you get hit and fall to the ground. "what are you doing sitting there!! hurry up and get ready, were going somewhere!" he said as he slammed the door closed, you got up and got ready the best you can.
when you finally finished, you walked out the door and went downstairs " I'm ready daddy!" "tch' took you long enough brat now get in the car!" you walk in the car and went in. 

(Time skip to where your almost at your destination)

"daddy where are we going?" "nowhere if you don't shut up!" you stop talking as we came to a stop, your dad came out of the car and pulled you out making you fall, and without a minute to spear, he jumped into the car and left, leaving you in the middle of the woods alone, you watched him leave, happy that he left but scared knowing the possibilities of what could be lurking in the shadows, you stand up and started walking "Hello!? is anyone here!!?" you say that a couple of times more until you came to see a tall strange creature looking straight at you.

(hello everyone, hope you like this little intro, it isn't really that good in my opinion though it is really late and I was trying to write this pretty quick and it's hard for me to think while I'm tired, but I promise you that the story is going to be better. bye!)

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