ch.2 His brothers

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Slender's P.O.V:

ahhhh, home sweet home,  I open the doors to my mansion and the first thing I see, is my brothers, well  " dear brother please would you please give me back my flower? I need it." "why would I? it such a pretty flower,  so I thought I could use it for my next victim, also what would you need a flower fo-" Offender says as Splendy's flowers sprayed him with water, Splendy chuckled after that as offender growled at him "would you two just be quite! I'm trying to read!" Trendy said, "ha! all you do is read tips about making clothing and fashion magazines!" "I do not!" "would you guys just stop! we have a guest" I say as I put her down on the couch and all three of my brother looked at me, then to Y/n "Slendy you brought a child here! why?" "yeah, you never do this, usually you come home with blood of children of over you" they all started to question my choices and it was a little annoying "quite!!!" everyone after that looked at me with a little fear while Y/n just moved a little, huh, I practically yelled right in front of her and she's still asleep, like she hasn't slept in a long time. "let's just say she's an..exseption" (sorry if your a boy, I'm not a dude soooo it's a habit that things are girl-like, okay, BACK TO LE STORY!!) "well what are we going to do with her, she's not exactly going to be thrilled be see us." Trendy had a good point "True, well, she will just have to learn" "well then, how are we going to do that, Mr. Softy" " I'm not soft! in fact, I'll teach her how to be a killer" "ha! teaching a little girl, how to kill, yeah, and I'll dance and sing a silly song when that happens, I'm going to my room, see ya Slender-soft-man" said Offender as he left, man, he can get on my nerves sometimes. "anyways, as for the question offender said, well just act normal as we usually do, except we just won't kill in front of her" "oh this is going to be fun! we can play together and have little tea parties and-" Splendy said as he got interrupted by Y/n waking up.

Y/n's P.O.V:

as I woke up, I realize I'm not in my room or the floor anymore, I'm actually in I big place with, tall, faceless, well two out of the three are faceless, pale creatures staring at me, one of them I have met, one of them looking like the person I met but with poka-dots and a face, and the other wearing a white shirt and a light brown sweater, oh! and glasses. "wha- where am I a-and who are those!" "child, you are at my home, my mansion, and these are my brothers" "hello! I am Spendorman, but people just call my Splendy!!" he said cheerfully "And I'm Trendorman, Trendy if you will, pleasure to meet you" he said lifting up his glasses to wear I think his eyes should be? " there is one more person but he chose to be in room, his name is Offenderman, be careful around him he can be.....well, something" said Trendy "Oh, I forgot to tell you mine, my names Slenderman dear child, if you like, you can call my Slendy" "okay" "sweetie, you never told us your?" said Splendy "oh, my name is Y/n" "well Y/n are you okay? you seem to have all sorts of cuts everywhere" "um, I'm fine, these are just from my daddy, he likes to hurt me" they all looked at me like, um, what the word, worried I think, anyways why are they, worried? nobody looked at me like that before. "Y/n come with me, I can help you. " said Slendy putting his hand to me to take it, I take it and  I stand up being able to walk this time and followed him. 

( Time skip to after lots of pain from peroxide and lots of bandaids)

I come back to what I think is the living room to see another person that looks like Slendy but with a black hat and scarwy sharp teeth, I went behind Slendy which made Slendy look..I dont know but he did look at me tilting his head, after that he looked at the person then back at me "that's Offenderman Y/n" the person who I guess his name is Offender looked at us "so that's the child your keeping?" "I'm not keeping her, well, unless she wants to stay?" he then looked at me, I just shrug my shoulders and that's it. "hm, are you hungry?" I nod as he took me to the kitchen, though I had to go past Offender so I was a little scared to do so, anyways when we went to the kitchen, Slendy told me to sit down and asked what I wanted "um, I don't know" "well there must be something you must like" "well, do you might have (your favorite food (literally, to doesn't have to be for dinner, heck it can be cheesecake! tho I think Masky and Hoodie would come and find you)) Slendy then chuckled a little then said "of course child" then he just started to make it. after a few minutes I got bored so I got up and walked out the kitchen "child, where are you going?" "I want to explore!!" he yet again chuckled "what's so funny?" "nothing child, just go run, along, I'll go find you once dinner is ready" you nod and ran off.

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