Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 36

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Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Thirty Six

'Scarlet . . .'

Her eyes shot open, and she sprung up in bed. That voice . . .


'Scarlet . . . Oh my God . . . Where are you?' His voice was so frantic. Scarlet had jumped out of bed, moving quicker than she's ever had in a long time. 'W-Where are you?!'

'Coming up to the cave . . . But I don't smell your scent near it, are you okay, Scarlet?'

'I'm fine.' She wanted to cry. She was so baffled in disbelief. Could this be a dream? Was it real? 'Is it . . . Is it really you, Dargon . . .?'

'It's me, Beloved . . . I'm back. Tell me where you are so I can come get you.'

'I'm with the pack . . . In the member housing, its not far from base,'

Dargon felt a spike of fury rise inside of him. She was where? As badly as he wanted to question it, he didn't. He didn't want to know the answer. He only knew that his mate wasn't where she was supposed to be and he knew it couldn't have been her choice to return there after all she'd told him and the amount of times she'd cry in his chest. It had to be that bastard Sin. First he'd decided to send his men out. What a joke, for that asshole to think his weaklings could take him, the only delay being the fact they'd mapped out and planned everything accordingly, yet their skills weren't as on point as they thought it'd be. Sure, they'd got a few licks in, but Dargon refused to go down without a fight, and after being lured so far away it'd taken him forever to get his route back on track to return. Then he heard his mate, her voice very very faint, calling his name, and he was able to use that to guide himself back. He'd tried to say something earlier on . . . But she didn't hear him . . . So he thought it would have been even better to surprise the girl at their temporary home only for him to discover she was gone. That was when he'd finally after so long linked her once more and got to hear her beautiful voice.

He felt idiotic. For being so gullible as to listen to a random note. It didn't matter now. He knew what he had to do. 'I'll be there in just a few minutes . . .'

And then the link was closed.

A knock sounded at the door. Scarlet was so overjoyed she'd not even heard it until the door creaked open. She turned and saw the Luna, and without thinking she ran towards her and slammed into the girl's body, her arms wounding tightly around her physique. "Maria!"

"Oh . . ." She loosely hugged the girl back. "It's . . . Nice to see you've missed me so much?"

She couldn't help but smile. "You won't believe what happened . . ."

"Try me,"

"I heard Dargon," She all but whispered.

"Really?" Maria's eyes widened.

"Yes!" She screamed, and Maria covered her mouth. "Shhh," She chuckled, and tugged her along with her to sit on the bed. "Um . . . Tell me more about this . . .?" She was nervous. He was still alive, how was he still alive?


Sin had sent some of his best men to him. How much did Dargon tell her? Did he inform her of . . . The incident? Would she hate her for not saying anything?

"He linked me . . . God, Maria, hearing his voice was like music to my ears . . ." Her heart thumped. "I thought he'd never come back . . ."

"He's back?" She said incredulously.

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