Chapter 1- No Escape

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Jack's POV

     "And I will see all you dudes...IN THE NEXT VIDEOOO!" I finished up the video and turned off my camera. I sat back in my chair and sighed, running my hand through my hair. I jumped, startled when there was an impatient banging on the door.
     "Im home. Hurry the fuck up in there!" My boyfriend shouted through the door. Great. I guess he had a rough day.
     "O...okay. I need a few more hours to edit some thumbnails." I called back, tense.
     "Just.. hurry up. I got some movies to watch."
     I sighed again. I suddenly remebered that Mark and I had planned a collab, and I was going to L.A. in a couple of weeks. How am I going to tell Robin? He's going to be so pissed...

     It was late by the time I finished editing, mainly because I was so nervous about telling him about my trip. I found Robin sitting on the couch, a beer in his hand and his feet kicked up onto the coffee table. I walked past him and grabbed a beer from the fridge.
     "What took you so long?" He asked casually. I sunk into the couch next to him and he put a strong arm around me. I closed my eyes, enjoying this moment that I knew wasn't going to last long.
     "I had some issues figuring out what to do for thumbnails." I lied. He grunted and tipped the beer back into his mouth.
     I scooted away from him, and that made him look away from the t.v. screen.
     "Something wrong? "
     "Uhm, no not really. I just...have something to tell you."
     After a few seconds of silence, he snapped. "Well spit it out."
     "I'm going to L.A in a couple  of weeks.."
     "For what?"
     "Me, Felix, Mark, Bob, Wade, and Matthias are going to do a huge collab and everything."
     "Like hell you are! I told you to fucking stay away from Mark after Septiplier became a thing!" His voice rose with every word.
     "Its not a big deal-"
     I was silenced when Robin threw his bottle agaibst the wall, shattering it to a million pieces.
"I said no. End of story! Cancel by morning or I will do it for you!" He yelled, stomping toward the front door.
     "Where are you going?" I yelled after him.
     "OUT!" he slammed the door behind him. Rage built up inside me, and with a growl I threw a pillow at the wall before collapsing onto the couch. Tears welled up in my eyes and sobs shook my entire body as I gasped for air.
I pulled out my phone and texted Mark.
Me: Hey Mark, there's been a change of plans. Im not going to be able to make it to really sorry to have to cancel, i hope everyone understands.

Mark: Oh...okay... Is everything okay, is there anything I can do help you get here? Is something up with flights?

Me: I'm fine :) It just looks like I'm not going to leave Ireland anytime soon

Mark: Thats a shame, we will miss you here.

Me: Yeah i miss you too, Mark.

Mark: Okay well i gotta go, im filming Subnautica right now. Talk to you soon Jack A Boy

Me: okay :) talk to you later

     I shut off my phone, still crying as I cleaned up the glass from the floor. Tonight was mild compared to how it could be. As I swept up the last of the glass, I realized that I can't do this anymore. Im fucking DONE. I hastily grabbed a bag and packed it. Not that I could go anywhere. It's one in the morning, nothing is open. There's no buses, no flights or trains, but I didnt care. I had to leave before Robin got home. The thought of him seeing me pack my bags was enough to send a shutter down my spine. Grabbing just the essentials, i rushed out of the apartment and made my way to the elevator.
      I wiped my tears on the sleeve of my BERLIN shirt and pressed the button for the first floor. I was relieved to see that the lobby was empty, and I rushed out into the dark, wheeling my bag and behind me. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew that I had had enough. Three years of being controlled and manipulated was three years too long. The tears clouded my vision as a light rain started to fall. My entire body tensed up when a hand suddenly gripped my arm.
     "Where the FUCK do you think you're going?!" Robin screamed as he spun me around.
     " im sorry. I...i cant do this anymore! I'm leaving!"
Robin slapped me across the face and painfully grabbed my arm, dragging back toward the apartment.
     "NO! IVE HAD ENOUGH!" I screamed through my tears, resisting.
     He simply overpowered me, his nails cutting into my arm as he ignored my screams and pleads. He was calm as he unlocked our door. Too calm. He opened the door and shoved me inside. I fell to the ground and he slammed the door.
     Wasting no time, he grabbed me by my shirt collar and hoiseted me to my feet. His voice was bone chillingly calm as he said, "You are never going to leave me, Sean."
"P-please stop." I sobbed. His fist crashed into my eye, black dots clouding my vision as I fell back to the ground. With every noise that came from my mouth came another kick to my abdomen. Blood seeped from my nose and mouth, and I cupped a hand over my mouth to muffle my cries. My ribs felt like they were on fire, and I thought I was going to die.
     Eventually Robin stopped. He picked me up from the ground and carried me to our bed. He climbed in with me and easily fell asleep. I curled into a ball and sobbed myself to sleep, wishing for an escape.

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