Chapter 2

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“Line up, everyone!” He ordered, even though everyone had already done just that. A light flickered a few feet away, casting odd shadows along the gray wall.  He started muttering as he walked and it wasn't until he reached her, that Emily knew what he was doing.

“12.” He grumbled as he passed her. He's counting us… It wasn't necessarily uncommon to count the inmates, but it still sent shivers down her spine. “Alright everyone, hit the showers, you all stink! Report to the day room in fifteen minutes for breakfast!” The inmates began to walk down the hall and turned left in a large jumble. Emily followed them warily and gazed down at herself. She stuck out like a sore thumb, still in her regular clothes from when they caught her, while everyone else wore baggy jeans and stained white t-shirts. She nearly screamed when someone grabbed her shoulder. Emily jumped and turned to see Evelyn.

“Calm down, it's just me.” She murmured. “You're gonna want to shower quickly because they shut off the water after five minutes, and if you're still covered in soap, well, it sucks to be you.”

“Thanks, for the advise… I think.” Emily responded.

“No problem.” Evelyn smiled, then sped up to probably catch one of her friends. The crowd had finally reached the showers and Emily gazed at her surroundings curiously. Through the door, toilets lined one wall, and open showers lined the other. There's absolutely no privacy… She could feel herself blush from the thought. Other girls pushed around her and snickered. “Remember to move quickly, and shower even quicker!” Evelyn whispered, passing her in a rush. Right… Emily thought, finding an empty shower stall, she began to strip.

The water felt hot in her skin, loosening tight muscles, and clearing away the dirt and grime. The soap didn't smell like much, or at least like anything nice, but she couldn't have cared less. At least she had soap. As the water washed the rest of the bubbles off she tried to remember the day, the month, anything. The year was easy enough. 2016. The month was July, and the day… what is it?! She racked her brain furiously and it suddenly came to her. It was the 16th, and also a Sunday. They'll probably have church, or something like that. Emily wasn't exactly religious. Sure she believed in a higher power of some sort, but she didn't go to church, let alone believe in some of the things they taught. She had never even gone to church before, but her friend from middle school had told her a bunch of stuff about it. She thought wistfully of Janette now and decided to do something she had never considered before. Just for you, Janette, I'll try going to church. That's when the water cut off. Emily looked up and grimaced. I wonder if that's a good sign…


Thomas dried his hair off quickly with the white towel and then pulled on his clothes. He didn't mess with the guys, and they didn't mess with him. Like always, he was the first one done and he went back to the day room to eat wait for church to start. He wasn't necessarily religious, but at least it gave him a chance to get out. To breath fresh air, meet people and feel… Almost free. He grabbed the bible his aunt had sent him and collapsed on the couch. He flipped to a random passage and skimmed it with a grimace. But that just doesn't make sense… Why would God tell a man to kill someone?! He flipped to another passage but it wasn't much better. Typical! He almost bitterly laughed out loud. God tells them not to look back, and when she does, he turns her to salt! He slammed the book shut with a sigh and placed his left arm over his eyes, the book still clasped in his right hand.

“Hey, aren't you gonna eat?” He opened his eyes to see Michael looking at him curiously.

“Yeah.” He mumbled, springing nimbly to his feet. He got in line, got his food and sat down at one of the tables to begin wolfing down the meal, not even bothering to use his plastic silverware.

He had gone back to his cell after sweeping the day room and laid down on his bed. Thomas didn't know how long it had been, but the banging on the door awakened him. He had taken a nap after eating, and now he rubbed his eyes sleepily. He scrambled to his feet just in time as the cell was unlocked. He opened the door and met the guard with curious blue eyes. It wasn't the guard that normally went to get him, but a new one; a male just the same, but still different.

“Come on, and don't try to pull anything!” They growled. Thomas looked taken aback.

“I know,” His voice went high pitched in a both innocent and defending tone. He raised his hands near his head just to add to the affect. “I never do.” He added more silently when the guard just rolled their eyes and started walking.

He reached the church in good time and sat down, closing his eyes while he waited for the room to fill up. It didn't take that long. Soon people were milling about, murmuring to one another in greeting.

“Thomas!” He opened his eyes to the familiar voice and turned in the plastic gray chair to see his sister waving eagerly at him. He smiled faintly and waved back before a guard could notice. Thomas was about to turn around and shut his eyes again when something caught his attention. A girl he had never seen before was looking straight at him. She's beautiful… He thought, awe sparkling in his blue eyes. Her brown hair was long, bleached and dyed a cobalt blue at the tips. Her eyes were a deep green that flashed in the light. Her skin pale and fair, dotted with freckles here and there. When their eyes met, she blushed and looked away quickly. He couldn't help but grin at that.


She couldn't stop blushing. Damn, She thought. He's hot! His hair was brown and thick, but shaved at the sides, where it appeared almost dirty blond, and his eyes, oh, his eyes! They were such a light blue, and simply gorgeous! She sneaked another glance at him and saw that he was still staring and grinning that devilishly handsome grin. She was about to turn away when he actually stood up, and started walking over to her! Emily felt her blushing increase and looked down, wondering what he would do, when he stopped near another girl. Oh… She thought, trying to ignore her disappointment. He probably wasn't even looking at me… She grabbed a chair a few lines up and sat down with a sigh. After eating she had returned to her cell to find her new pair of clothes and she had reluctantly put them on. Emily knew that her original outfit had looked much better, and she couldn't help wishing she had kept it on. Maybe then he would have at least notice me… Ugh! Stop thinking about him! She nearly cursed herself out loud when she noticed someone standing next to her. Emily nearly jumped out of her skin when she looked up and felt her heart flutter. The guy was looking down at her with a ghost of the grin curling his perfect lips ever so slightly.

“Hey, you're new here, right?” He asked casually, sitting down next to her. He stretched out his legs leisurely and placed his left arm over the back of her chair. Was this guy for real?! He acted like he could get any girl he wanted. Her opinion about him was only diminishing by the second.

“What do you care?” She asked, trying to contain any bitterness. It wasn't at all towards him.

“Well, it's not everyday you see a beautiful girl in juvie. Plus, I'm just curious.” Her face burned when she stuttered a reply,

“I- I- I'm not… beautiful. But I am new.” He laughed, a gorgeous laugh and her face only grew hotter.

“Whatcha in here for?” He fixed his handsome blue eyes on her and the action nearly made her swoon.

“I don't want to talk about it…” The memory darkened her spirit, and her face finally returned to normal. “What about you?”

“I don't want to talk about it either.” He folded his arms and smirked at her. “Cobalt, right?”

“What?” Emily asked, feeling dumbfounded.

“Your hair.”

“Oh, yeah, it is. How'd you know?”

“My mom was an artist, taught me everything she knew. I'm Thomas, by the way.” He stuck out his hand for her to shake and she only hesitated for a moment. Was this a guy she wanted to consider an alie? Finally she took his hand. It was massive compared to hers, but it made her feel good inside.

“Emily.” She smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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