Sherrinford: The Third Holmes

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Hi! This is my new story! This story is about the third brother, Sherrinford Holmes. I know he is the oldest brother in the stories, but he will be the youngest in mine. And I hope you are happy about my choice of him :P 

Sorry about the depression level in this episode, but it had to be done. Next episodes won't be  like this. 

Here's a happy Teenlock for you in the multimedia! :)


Most of people think that Sherlock is the one making lots of trouble, but he did nothing comparing to my actions. They don't know me, they think Violet and Siger Holmes have only two children.

They are wrong.

There is also me, Sherrinford.

The Third Holmes, the youngest.

I am the most troubled one, most untrusted. 

When I was a child, Sherlock and I were close. I was always getting along with Sherlock more than Mycroft. Maybe it's because I'm just three years younger than Sherlock. Moreover, Mycroft was always in the boarding school and they could only see him on the weekends.

Climbing on a tree and making deductions about people walking on the street was the biggest entertainment for us in that time. I always liked making deductions, but Sherlock was always better than me. 

August 12th, 1988

''Did you see that woman walking with her dog?'' said Sherlock. They were sitting on the brench of a three and watching people.''She has no ring, but she had a wedding ring on her finger yesterday. What does that mean?'' 

''She is going to divorce him.'' said Sherrinford.

''Or?'' asked Sherlock with a knowing look.

''Or she is cheating on her husband.'' 

''Exactly!'' said Sherlock. ''Look at her; stagy bag, heels and make up, they are all matching. Look at her dress, women don't dress like that when they take their dog for a walk, she is obviously going to a date. If she was going to meet her husband, she would wear her wedding ring. Also, she took the dog with her, why?'' 

''Because she used the dog for leaving the house.'' 

''Yes, that's correct.'' said Sherlock with pride. Sherrinford was as clever as him. They didn't know they were geniuses until they started to go to school. Thanks to Mycroft.

When I was a child, Sherlock was my hero. He was the only one protecting me, telling me I wasn't a freak. We were special, we could see things that people couldn't. Actually, he is still my hero, although I haven't seen him for years. How could I? After all those years, I finally had the courage to meet him. But then I saw the newspapers.

Suicide of the fake genious.

He's dead, that's what they say. But they are wrong. Sherlock is a genious, he wouldn't kill himself. He never cared the other people. Why it bothers him now? He's in somewhere, I know that. 

Because he always finds a way. 

It's your right to ask me why I haven't seen him for years. I need to tell you everything before the start. Otherwise, you wouldn't understand.

January 6th, 1989 

Today's Sherlock's birthday who is turned into ten years old. He wasn't excited because he could always guess our parents' gift, but their gift was a complete surprise this time. Neither Sherlock nor Mycroft and I wouldn't except this. There was a big, red dog in front of them. 

''Did you like your gift, Sherlock?'' asked Violet.

''I love it! Thank you!'' said 10 year old Sherlock before giving them a tight hug. That wasn't something you can see everytime. When he pulled himself back, we, Sherlock and I, started playing with the dog. Mycroft had more important things to do. 

''What are you going to name him?'' asked Siger.

''I haven't decide it yet.'' 

''I found a name!'' I said excitedly.

''What is it?'' asked Sherlock.

''Let's call him..'' he took a deep breath. ''Redbeard!'' 

''It suits him.'' said Violet.

''I agree.'' said Sherlock. ''Welcome our home, Redbeard.'' 

Redbeard was so important for us. He was symbolizing our relationship. When they put him to sleep when I was 12, we both knew nothing was going to same again. 

April 23rd, 1994

''Sherlock, Sherrinford, we have to talk about something.''

''What is it, father? You both look so serious.'' said Sherlock.

''Redbeard isn't very well, he's sick.'' 

''Is he going to be okay?'' 

''Unfortunately no, he won't. We have to put him to sleep.''

''You can't do this!'' said Sherlock. That's not fair! 

''I am sorry Sherlock.'' said Siger sadly. ''But we have no choice, we have to do it.'' 


''What does it mean?'' I asked.

''They will kill Redbeard!'' shouted Sherlock. ''They will give him a fatal injection!''

''He is already going to die.'' said Siger. ''But if we don't do it, he will suffer. Do you want him to suffer before he dies?''

''No, of course we don't!''

''Then, you must understand. It's not easy for me neither.''

I was about to cry. I knew Sherlock was too. Redbeard has become our best friend since Sherlock's 10th Birthday. We didn't want him to die. But that didn't work. 

They didn't have a choice. Both Sherlock and I knew if there was another way, they wouldn't put him to sleep. 

But that didn't make us feel better. 

After that day, we seperated. Sherlock went to a boarding school, but I was still there. Mycroft started his senior year in the university. He was going to graduate in June.

I felt lonely without Sherlock being there with me. He was my only friend. People in my school were so stupid. Fortunately, I was skipped to a further class, but the feeling was still there.

When I started to high school, I was comepletely lost.  

September 16th, 1996

 High School, finally! I can be with Sherlock again. I know he's going to graduate in June, but at least we have an entire year together. 

I was going to understand very soon that I was wrong. 

This Sherlock was completely a different person. When I looked at him, I saw things that I didn't expect.

Haven't been sleeping for three days. Depressed. Aimless. Suicidal. Drug Addict. 


Suicidal? Drug Addict? 

What is happening to Sherlock? 


Here's the first chapter, I hope you like it.

There will be one or two chapters about the past then the other chapters will be about the present day.

Please let me know what do you think about the story :)

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