Part 2

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  Once we got home i recognized the house of where my brother was live and well. I still continue to hate myself for living. I was going to run, tonight. I couldn't let myself be happy in a world without Charlie.
  I got out of the car and waited for mom to  unlock the door.
  "Would you like something to eat?"
  "No," I said, feeling numb to whatever my mom wanted to do.
  "You are going to have to eat sometime, yes?" She said openong the door.
I rolled dB my eyes at her and went straight up the stairs. Opening the door, I saw the semi-packed bag for college. I forgot the joy of college. I didn't have an interest for college anymore. I hadn't had an interest in doing anything anymore. All i wanted was to sleep and get out of the place I despised.
  As night came, mom had peeped in almost every minute, checking on me. I yeld at her every time she knocked on the door. For a while she stopped. I could hear her footsteps pass my door. Theshadow would stop and hesitate for a moment then continued.
  "It was time," I said to myself, as I raised up from my bed. I slowly and carefully walked accross the floor to avoid creaking. I made my way to the closet, to collect my clothes. When I finished packing, I was about to zip the bag when I saw a photo of my family and I at a park we went toa long time ago. Finally, I grabbed the picture and made my way out the front door.
  I took a deap breath and continued off the premese.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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