Chapter 1

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9 hours earlier....

[Sunset's POV]

I sat on Twilight's bed holding a book in my hands. I scanned every single word in that book just so that I wouldn't miss out on any details about the story I was reading. Twilight closed her laptop and turned around to look at me. "So, how's the story?"she asked.

I look up from the book and closed it. "Oh, it was epic! The detective was so cool! It was like he's psychic or something." I said cheerfully. I frowned."But....too bad the ending's a cliff hanger..."

"Aww, don't worry. I'll be sure to purchase the next book when it comes out. And then I would more than happy to lend it to you."said Twilight. "But I call dips!"she added narrowing her eyes.

"Okay, Alright. Thanks." I said  laying down onto the bed. I sighed. "So now what do we do?" Twilight layed down next to me. "Now we lay down and do exactly....nothing...." There was a moment of silence. That moment was so perfectly quiet that one could slip into their imaginary zone. But all good things have to be taken away the moment they arrived. The moment of silence was interrupted by the buzzing sound of my phone buzzing in my backpack at the other side of the room.

I groaned. "Could you get that for me? Please?" Twilight rolled her eyes and gesture her hand towards my backpack. Using her magical aura she got from Camp Everfree, she levitated my phone out of my backpack and dropped it onto my face. I groaned again. I grabbed my phone to see an icon with a funky looking pink girl with cotton candy beard. That was Pinkie Pie. I slided her finger to the right side of the screen to answer the call.

"Wassup Pinkie, Sunset's speaking."I said lazily.

"HIIIII SUNSET!"yelled Pinkie Pie from the other side of the line trying to make my ear bleed. "YOU AND TWILIGHT ARE INVITED TO A COSTUME PARTY HELD BY YOURS TRULY AT CAROUSEL BOUTIQUE IN MANEHATTAN!"

"Ah geez Pinkie. Enough with the yelling. I wouldn't be able to listen to the info about this costume party before you know it."I said sitting up. "Oh, sorry..."whispered Pinkie Pie. "It's okay. "I said . "So what time does the party starts?"

"It starts at noon. You guys are coming right?"asked Pinkie Pie. "Why wouldn't we? A party held by you is always the best party in the world. We wouldn't even wanna miss one."I said. I can here an auditable "squee" coming from Pinkie Pie from the other side of the line. "Okie dokie lokie! See you guys at Carousel Boutique later. Be sure to wear your costumes though. Don't come to the party naked."said Pinkie Pie before hanging up.

I stood up from the bed and stretched. "Twilight, Pinkie invited us to a costume party later at Carousel Boutique. I think I better get going because I need to find myself a detective suit." Twilight raised an eyebrow. "A detective suit? You're gonna dress up as a detective?" I nodded. "Yup. And you should dress up as my investigator." Twilight crossed her arms and glared at me.

I clasps my hand together and gave Twilight my best puppy eyes. "Pwease?" She struggled to say "No" but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Twilight sighed. "Fine." I cheered. "Yay!"  "I'm only doing this just because I don't wanna hurt your feelings by saying no."grumbled Twilight. "And that's why we're besties!"I said and hugged Twilight. She smiled and returned the hug.

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