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In everything, we look for or we take the opinion of the person who is highly qualified or who has the expertise in that particular field.

When it comes to the Medical field then we have neither the deep knowledge nor the expertise to practise medicine. There are medical journals and texts available in English which we too can obtain and read. However, if we were to do so and then diagnose the sick, then the end results of such malpractice is
that there will be more people in the qabrastan (graveyard) than outside the qabrastan.

In the same way, in the field of Law, we find that the constitution is written in English. Despite this, public opinion cannot dictate to the Constitutional Committee in so far as the interpretation of the constitution is concerned. However, the attorney and advocate qualified in the field of Law, does have the authority and permission to forward his interpretations and explanations.

In the same way, here, we find the experts in the field of 'Ishq'
(Love) presenting their opinions.

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