Whilst there are numerous lessons to be drawn from the story of Hazrat Maryam (‘Alaihas Salaam), I wish to briefly make mention of another : Hazrat Jibra'eel (‘Alaihis Salaam) informed her that he was an angel, a messenger of Allah Ta’ala, who had
come to convey the tidings of a son to be borne of her.Allah Ta’ala mentions in Surah Ambiyaa : “And (remember) she who guarded her chastity (Maryam), We breathed into (the sleeve of) her (garment)…”. Thus, Hazrat Jibra'eel (‘Alaihis Salaam) simply breathed in the sleeve of Maryam’s (‘Alaihas Salaam) garment and she conceived Hazrat Eesa (‘Alaihis Salaam).
After having conceived, she was extremely concerned. This was, naturally, a frightening experience that brought in its wake fear upon fear : A chaste woman, secluded in her chamber, never conversing with any stranger, to conceive a child without being married. How will she face her people ?
How will she explain her condition ? (At this stage she is unaware of what is to happen… )
Helpless and alone, and so overcome by her circumstances, she considered that it would be better to be dead and forgotten than to contend with a plight so agonizing.
[SURAH MARYAM 19 : 23]Whilst Hazrat Maryam (‘Alaihas Salaam) had not indulged in
anything remotely displeasing to Allah Ta’ala; she teaches us a lesson that needs to be understood well : It is better to be under the surface of the earth than to indulge in such a serious and grave crime as adultery and fornication. We should not brag,
propagate and advertise our sins, nor invite and encourage others to the same, which has become the norm of both young and old.Modesty and shame dictate that we feel embarrassed on the thought of sin alone. This is Imaan.
Therefore Nabi صلئ الله عليه وسلم said : “Indeed Hayaa (Modesty) and Imaan are companions. When one of them is lifted, the other leaves
as well.”When the attribute and condition of Hayaa is banished from the heart of a Muslim, then its counterpart, Imaan, whose subsistence and nourishment is dependent on Hayaa, follows very quickly, in pursuit of its ‘companion’.
Since reference had been made of Hazrat Yusuf (‘Alaihis Salaam), another important point comes to light : When Hazrat Yusuf (‘Alaihis Salaam) refused the proposal and advances of not only Zuleikha, but also her companions, and was thus
threatened with imprisonment, then he said :“…‘O MY LORD! PRISON IS MORE BELOVED TO ME THAN
[SURAH YUSUF 12 : 33]Subhanallah… What must have been the condition of the heart of Hazrat Yusuf (‘Alaihis Salaam) to consider and prefer prison to such an invitation? *(this does nt mean that we should ask Allah Ta’ala for hardship)
The condition of the hearts and souls of the lovers of Allah Ta’ala have a similar bearing and semblance : Why do they not prefer casting evil, lustful glances at women or indulging in illicit relationships ? Why do they not prefer the cinema, theatre, casino, music and that filth which sinful ones like us relish and delight in? Why ?
Because the hearts of these Ahlullah are so in tune to the beauty and love of Allah and the pleasure of obedience to Him that in the path of Divine Love, sacrifice is favoured and preferred over that which nafs and Shaytaan invites them to. In truth, the very thought of sin shames them.
To return to the illustration of the condition of the spiritual heart : When this pain and weight comes onto the heart which is sacrificing those evil desires, for the Pleasure of Allah, and when that heart is covered with the blood of sacrifice, then the
King of Kings and the Creator of the heart, will pay the King of the body.Allah will grant that heart the sweetness of Imaan, the taste of
which will be experienced therein, and He will imbue that heart with satisfaction and peace.
The True Lover Of Allah Ta'ala Part 1 ✔
SpiritualThe True Lover of Allah Ta'ala... Narrated by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb