There are Other Gods?

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Kris POV

I have no idea what just happened to me.

I was just at home resting after a long photo shoot when I suddenly get knocked out and now I am sitting in a room that seemed way too familiar. Then I realized where I was.

Camp Jupiter.

I left this place years ago to pursue my music career in South Korea, later leaving my group, EXO, and continuing a solo career in China, where I was born.

My name is Wu Yifan, or Kris Wu. I am a Roman demigod, child of Mercury. I never really liked the Demigods here, and I wasn't happy to be back. None of them were my style, and some were just annoying. This is the place where I first got my "cold image." I kept that image in the beginning of EXO's career but I lost it because of one glass of orange juice and a wink back in 2013. Fans started to see my clumsy side more after that.

I turned to my left, and I saw something I didn't expect to see.

To my left was Luhan and Tao, who were also former EXO members, passed out. Then I saw Xiumin, Chen, and Lay, the remaining members of EXO-M, EXO's Mandarin subunit. How they got here, I have no idea.

A wave of sadness rushed through my body as I remembered the great memories I made with EXO. I am so proud that they have been really successful and to have been part of that group.

Suddenly, Luhan started to wake up. When he did he looked around the room, extremely confused. His eyes landed on Lay, Xiumin, and Chen; and the confusion increased. He saw me and Tao and the poor boy looked even more confused.

"Kris? Where are we?" he asked me. Before I could answer someone very familiar walked into the room. Luhan looked extremely uncomfortable.

"Looks like you guys are starting to wake up. I'll explain where you are after everyone else wakes up. I am Jason by the way." The kid left.

So that's who he is. Jason Grace, the son of Jupiter. He was one of the only demigods I didn't really mind. He did get a bit annoying at times.

After the others woke up and Tao stopped having a panic attack, Jason came back and the two of us explained to them the situation. Tao seemed to love the fact that he was a demigod. Chen, on the other hand, thought it was a prank. I had to show him my powers for him to believe me.

This lady walked in and looked at us, "seems like everyone is awake. Oh and hello Kris."

"Hello Juno," said Jason, a bit annoyed.

Ah yes, Juno, my least favorite goddess. Totally not my style at all. I don't know a single demigod that likes her.

"So I guess I should clear things up for you guys. You are all demigods, as Jason has mentioned. Your group, EXO, was put together by SM as a group of demigods. Kris and Suho were chosen as leaders as they already knew about the gods and their godly parent. EXO-M is for all the Roman demigods in the group, and EXO-K is for the Greek demigods-"

"Wait there are Greek demigods?!" I couldn't believe it.

Jason nodded, "we learned about them a few years ago. The war with Gaea that I told you about was fought with them."

"Your 'powers' that was created for your group is based on your godly parent. Although for Zitao, I'm not so sure who his parent is, as his element was time," Juno continued. "When Kris left, it created a bit of a problem, followed by Luhan and Zitao's departures. The remaining Romans had to join with the Greeks, but it turned out fine in the end."

"So the rest of EXO is in a Greek camp?" asked Chen.

"Yes, Camp Half-Blood. Located in New York. Lovely place," responded Juno. "Though not so fond of the demigods there."

I then realized something, "So if Suho's power is water that means-"

"He is a son of Poseidon, god of water or whatever, yes," she responded.

"Wait there is another son of Poseidon?" Jason asked, not believing it.

"Yes, the reason why he hid his identity from the camp is unknown. I believe they are revealing that today. We will learn more when we get there in a couple days. We just need to let these new demigods rest and get use to this life," Juno looked at us, "best I tell you your parent now."
We already know who Kris belongs to, so I don't need to explain his parent."

She started from Luhan, "Lu Han, son of Trivia, goddess of witchcraft, crossroads."

She moved to Tao, "Zitao Huang, son of Mars, god of war."

Next was Xiumin, "Minseok Kim, son of Chione-"

"Chione?!" Jason exclaimed, causing Xiumin to be a bit uncomfortable.

"Now, Grace, don't judge someone by their parent. Now where was I..." Juno walked to Lay.

"Yixing Zhang, son of Phoebus/Apollo, god of healing, sun, music, archery, poetry, and whatnot."

Last one was Chen. "I had to save yours for last. Jongdae Kim, son of Jupiter, god of lightning, Lord of the skies."

"I HAVE A BROTHER? THAT'S SO COOL!" Jason said, running up to Chen and patting his his back. Then he looked at everyone, "You guys will love meeting the Greeks, their great people. I'll show you guys around. Come with me."

I sighed, here we go. They better not have chicken for dinner tonight because it's not my style.


A/N: Anyone going to see G-Dragon on tour? If the tickets aren't too bad I might be able to go since he's coming to Florida!

Writing this in Kris's POV was hard because his personality can be cold, stupid, or adorable.

Idk I tried lol

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