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Suho POV

Some campers came up to me and asked me where I had been. Will told them it will be explained soon by Chiron.

A few minutes passed and Chiron came in. Everyone stopped talking to listen to what he had to say.

"I have a very important announcement to make. As you may have noticed, a camper has returned after many years," Chiron turned to me, "Junmyeon, can you please stand up."

I stood up and looked down. All the stares I got made me a bit uncomfortable. I sat back down. It was weird, I could perform Russian Roulette, embarrassing my members, and not get uncomfortable with the attention. But I couldn't stand up in front of people who are like me without feeling awkward.

"When Junmyeon left, he went to his hometown in South Korea. There he began training to be an idol, which is normal for celebrities in Korea. He joined a company called SM Entertainment, who's owner, Soo-man, is a Satyr. Soo-man decided to take the Asian demigods in his company and put them in one group called EXO. Only two of the members knew they were demigods, the others didn't. These two members were made the leaders, so i case anything happened they would know what to do. One of them is Junmyeon, and the other is a Roman demigod named Kris Wu. The group, EXO, was separated into two units, one for Greek demigods and one for Roman demigods," Chiron paused to breathe. "There was a accident and the demigods were brought to their respected camps, and recently had to learn about their godly parent. The Greek members are here with me today, and they will now be claimed by their parent. Boys."

The members walked in shyly. D.O.'s eyes widened when he saw the place. The members were astonished.

Symbols appeared above their heads. Each symbol represented their godly parent, each one was unique.

Chiron went up to Baekhyun, who was the closest to him, "Baekhyun Byun, son of Apollo. God of music, poetry, sun, light, oracles, archery, medicine."

He then walked over to Kai, "Jongin Kim, son of Hermes. God of travelers, thieves, god of trade."

Next was Chanyeol, "Chanyeol Park, son of Hephaestus. God of fire, forges."

"Sehun Oh, son of Boreas. God of the north wind," Chiron said, then walked up to the last member.

"Kyungsoo Do, son of Hades. God of the underworld, the dead, riches." Some campers were shocked at this, but to be honest, it fit D.O.

Leo, who had left his seat, went up to Chanyeol, "Welcome to the fam, Chan." Chanyeol smiled in response. The rapper towered over Leo.

The idols went to their respected cabin mates, who greeted them warmly. Nico gave D.O. a small smile. I have a feeling they will get along great.

"We still have one more member who hasn't been publicly claimed. Junmyeon, can you please come here?"

It's time for everyone to know who my parent is, to know the truth.


Sorry for the long wait, been busy with exams and such.

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