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" let's go to a club .. "

everyone stared at Baek like he had two heads ..

"what ? it can be fun ! "
Tae Said hesitantly " why not the amusement park? or .. I don't know .. somewhere not so crowded with drunk people ? "

Chen was thoughtful then said " I agree with Baek .. it has been long time since last time we went to one "
suho said amused " why would you want to go to one all of sudden ? "
chanyeol cheered " I LOVE the idea ! let's go ! it is not like sehun or Kai are under age or something ! "

xiumin and kyungsoo looked at each other and the older said " I don't like clubs .. but I would go if you all want to "

Kai , lay and sehun agreed ..
kyungsoo had a frown " I STRONGLY disagree .. "
Baek stomped to his dongsaeng " why ?! "
the later answered while squinting his eyes " If I remember clearly .. byun baekhyun .. you don't have alcohol tolerance much .. and the two maknaes aren't that experienced .. who would be able to get all of you back to the dorm ! besides .. we can't be sure if there will be saesangs! "
some members agreed on this .. Baek pouted " okay fine .. whatever .. I will go to sleep .. goodnight! " and he went to his room angry ..

soo sighed .. and looked at the members .. the maknaes were actually hoping they would go .. to release some stress .. and go crazy ..
soo fuilt guilty a little and looked at the manager .. Tae said after a while " no one would expect to see us in a club .. and the lights are dim .. so no one would actually know who are we .. specially that most people will be drunk. ."

soo nodded .. " okay .. " he went to chanbaek's room and saw that Baek was covered with the blanket .. above his head .. it is his expression of " leave me alone " ..

kyungsoo again sighed and murmured under his breath " what a child .."

and shook him slowly " baekhyun .. baekhyun come on we are going .. "
Baek immediately jerked up " What ?!! r-really? ?? "

soo nodded " you better be thankful that I am kind hearted enough to take care of your hangover every time .. "
Baek hugged soo tightly " thank you thank you thank youuuu ! " and he jumped of the bed to dress up .. soo just chuckled " so childish .. "

so the exo members got dressed in simple terms shirts and jeans to not attract any attention ..
they went to a small club a little far from their apartment .. when they entered .. they could smell lots of different perfumes .. smoke .. alcohol ..

the area that was for dancing while the other where the chairs and tables was a little less crowded ..
Baek , Chan , Chen , sehun , and kai grinned looking at the dance floor
" wow .. look at them dancing like their life depends on it ! "
" i am sure they would back off once Kai and lay start dancing .. "
Kai said " no .. I don't want attention .. I just want to dance aimlessly just like them .. that way I will feel like a normal person who does normal things without people acting around him awkwardly .. "
lay nodded to  that ..

Baek shrugged " if you say so .. but for me .. I came here to SLAY ! SEE YOU LATER GUYS ! "
tae's eyes widened " yah wait ! don't get lost ! "
xiumin chuckled " relax hyung .. it is a small club .. Baek is not that dumb to get lost "

tae still had a worried expression ..
soo huffed going to the bar and dragging tae and xiumin with him "don't put much expectations once he get drunk .. "

the two members had a whisky while tae had just water .. because he is supposed to be taking care about other members .. not the other way around ..

" so .. I talked to the producers and the other staff .. you guys are preparing for new songs ? "
xiumin grinned " yes .. some are upbeat and others are slow .. "
soo smiled " yeah .. I hope it gets high ranking .. "

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