He has feelings too

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Later that evening, after supper and talking with her brother and father, she was in her room alone. What happened with the prince kept coming back to her. She didn't know why she didn't fully give herself to Trent. He could offer her a better life than anyone else. Her father and most everyone else in his small kingdom would be delighted. For her to be wed to a prince would be a great honor. Not something a girl should turn down. She didn't turn it down. There was possibly still time. Cara felt she needed to clear her mind. The thought came to her that she needed to talk to Justin. Justin seemed so wise, though he was scarcely a year or two older than her. Yes, she decided. She would go to him under cover of night, lest unwanted eyes should know of her venture. Hopefully he would be working late, for she wanted to see him this very night.

Later, by the dim light of a quarter moon, one covered and uncovered by wind pushed dark clouds, she started off. She wore a dark cloak that also covered her head. Hopefully, no one would see her.

Crossing the courtyard, she saw scarcely anyone moving about, and as she approached the stable all was quiet. She came close, listening to hear if there was any sound. Nothing. He has left, she thought to herself. She stood now at the entrance and held onto the wooden rail looking in. "Justin," she said in a quiet voice. "Justin," she spoke a little louder. Then she heard something, movement, and coming toward her she saw him, looking sleepy with his full head of hair disarranged.

He came to her, looking as if she had roused him from slumber. "Do you also sleep here?" she asked.

"Sometimes, my lady. But you are always welcome."

"Are you sure? I mean I don't want to come troubling you with my concerns."

Justin stretched out his arms and yawned. Then he moved to her, standing now on the other side of the rail from her, tall and seemingly fully awake.

"Here I am, ready to bother you once again with my problems," she began.

"Lady Cara, you are never a bother to me," he replied, and she felt he spoke with complete sincerity.

"Yes, well I was out riding with the prince." She looked into Justin's eyes before continuing. "I was riding with him. . ."

"Yes. You rode with him."

Cara didn't know why, but suddenly what she was about to tell Justin seemed so difficult. Should she even be telling him about her and another man? A man who just happened to be a prince?

"My lady, I already knew that you rode with him. Are you sure you want to tell me about it?"

Cara's hands twisted uncertainly on the wooden rail separating her from Justin. She looked up at him, indecision written on her face. He came forward, leaned against the railing to be near, and put an arm around her. "Cara, I think he is a good man and would not mistreat you. You deserve a prince."

Something in Justin's words or in the way he said them affected Cara deeply. She looked questionly into his eyes and saw a man who would tell her only the truth. Impulsively, she kissed him--a tender kiss. "If even you say so, maybe I should not hold back from him. Maybe I should try my best to love him."

"Yes, my lady," he answered, and she caught the resignation in his voice.

"Thank you, Justin. I will go back now. Somehow, everything is clearer when I talk to you." She turned to go and his hand reached out to hold hers. She looked down at his hand and up into his eyes. They seemed to glisten in light of the quarter moon. He released her hand, letting her go. She walked away, feeling that so much had happened in their short visit. As she went back to her father's suite, one thought came clearly to her. If only Justin were a prince.

* * *

Trent had done much thinking since the other evening when he and Lady Cara rode together. He was so surprised that she at first seemed to be so willing in his arms, and then suddenly signaled, not by any words, but by her actions that she had enough. Trent was not at all used to that in women. Women wanted him. But this girl, this girl had him perplexed. In fact, now he wanted to know more of her than ever. He decided to talk to Daniel about it.

They were at table, eating supper together. Trent was somewhat embarrassed to breach the subject. "So, we went for a ride in the forest and then began walking where the path was narrow and almost hidden by foliage. I kissed her, and she seemed to be enjoying it until suddenly she broke off. Daniel, I just don't know what to make of it."

"Ha, ha, that is so funny," he answered. "I find it hard to believe."

Trent looked at Daniel with more than a trace of anger in his visage. "You find it funny?! Daniel, you have only succeeded in making me feel wretched. You are not helping at all."

"I'm sorry, Trent," he answered, trying to fully recover from his mirth. "It's just that no one, I mean no one of the female sex has to my knowledge ever held back your advances. It makes you more like the common order of men, perplexed by a woman's actions."

"Really, Daniel, you are not helping. I am not used to this and am trying to understand it. Tell me, what do you think?"

"Well, her actions could be a number of things, but two come to mind. The first is that she is a modest maid who does not want to lose her virtue until the appropriate time. Marriage, I would guess. The second is that she already has someone whom she loves."

"Really, Daniel. Do you think it could be that?"

"You mean the second?"

"Yes, yes, the second."

"I certainly hope not, for then I think she would be a very foolish lady. What woman who has the chance to wed a prince would choose a count or someone even lower? Her father, Lord Garrick, would I believe see to it that she chooses correctly. I mean, he has a kingdom to protect with a good marriage."

Trent saw the reasonableness of Daniel's words, but there was something else that troubled him. He leaned his head down and closer to Daniel. Speaking in an earnest and quiet voice he said, "To be honest, I don't know how I would feel about taking a woman whose heart belongs to another. Don't you see that it would be a tremendous blow to one's pride?"

"Ah, yes, pride. We all have it, even you. I shouldn't worry if I were in your position. That is, unless her lover had an army. Otherwise, she would eventually forget him as she grows to know you better, especially if you show sensitivity to her wishes.

"Do you suppose it could be the other? That she is a virtuous lass?

"Who knows? Hard for anyone to tell by looking. If so, she is a treasure, don't you think?"

Trent thought about Daniel's question. His mind went to other women he knew. Finally, he said. "I am very interested in her, and want to know more of such a woman."

Daniel answered, "Trent, the woman is far from your equal. Do you really want to pursue this?"

Trent turned to face Daniel directly. "I do. I have an idea of how I can get to know her better within the limited time we have before we return to our kingdom."

What can Prince Trent be thinking of? Find out soon. Hope you are enjoying the story and the bit of mystery. I wonder, what do you think of Trent? And Justin?

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