Chapter Two

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Something was on Kuroko's stomach, this made him slightly uncomfortable so he opened his eyes, betting them at the warm sun rays that bled through the window. As his eyes adjusted to the light, his eyes trailed downward to a mass of brown hair. Taking a minute to digest this, he then realized it was Ritsu. He smiles seeing the child seek his warmth, as the child felt Kuroko shift, his round emerald eyes opened to look up at the bluenette.
"Morning Ritsu." The corners of the shadows mouth curled up into a smile. The young boy rubbed his eyes cutely, giving a small yawn in the process.
"Morning.." He mumbled and snuggled into Kuroko's chest, not wanting the sleep to end. The other reacted by wrapping his arms around him and sitting up carefully as to not stir the child.
"..Daddy," Ritsu sniffled out, clinging onto Kuroko, he froze and looked at the bed of messy hair, wondering why he had called him that. The boy looked up, "C-can I call you that?" He asked quite shyly, thinking he might get yelled at.
"Of course, I am taking on that role." Kuroko smiled gently, kissing the top of the boy's head. Suddenly, the boy giggled and looked up, grinning. "What is it?" Kuroko asked in curiosity seeing how the boy went to almost crying, to a giggling child.
"Your hair looks funny." He covers his mouth to cover up anymore giggles that may slip, meanwhile, Kuroko sighs to himself and uses one hand to try to pull his hair back down (Which failed).
The moment was cut off by his phone ringing, his hand reached over and picked the blue I-phone up before clicking the green button. He placed it to his ear before pulling it away again, hearing the usual cheery tone of the famous model.
"Please talk quieter Kise-kun." Kuroko's monotone voice says like usual, although some cheeriness as also heard. He hasn't heard from Kise ever scene the male went into flight university, he has been busy studying and working hard. Kuroko has been lonely and hearing the male's voice cheered him up more than he was.
"Kuroko-cchi!! Let's hang out suu~"
"Ah, I'm afraid I have some company over right now." Kuroko was referring to Ritsu, he couldn't exactly leave this child alone.
"Bring them with you or maybe I could come over! Please~ It has been such a long time!" Kuroko could see the fake puppy tears the blonde male has, begging to hang out like always. Kuroko glanced down at Ritsu, thinking for a moment on how he would need to by things for the young boy.
"Alright Kise-kun, how about shopping? I need to get somethings." He could hear the excitement in the male's voice, Kuroko wasn't the one to say he wanted to go shopping.
"Alright! I'll see you in a half an hour suu~" He hung up leaving Kuroko to chuckle to himself and a curious Ritsu. He looked at the child, smiling and ruffling the other's hair.
"We are going to go shopping in a bit, how about a shower first?" The boy's eyes seemed to shine, nodding happily. He jumped off, making a light 'thud' and stepping back to make room for Kuroko to stand up. The male does so, standing up and gently taking the boy's hand, leading him to the bathroom.
Once there, Kuroko started the warm water and turned back the the shy boy still behind the door. Kuroko gave a hand motion signaling the boy could come in, but he shook his head in response, getting a worried feeling he kneels down and looks at the boy concerned.
"What is it Ritsu? There is no need to be afraid." The boy stood still for a moment, his head hung low as he slowly walked in the direction of Kuroko, his short arms hugging the male tightly and his tiny voice spoke.
"I-I hate the water." Clearly the boy had been pushed into something horrible. Kuroko gave a kind smile, lifting the boy's chin and looking into his eyes.
"Don't worry, I won't harm you. I'll also get undressed so it's fair." The young boy nods, he still didn't have his full trust in Kuroko. The bigger male stood up and removed his clothes, revealing a scar along his chest. The mark was light, but was clearly visible and stretched from his shoulder to the bottom of his ribs. The boy looked at in in horror and curiosity, his little hand reaching up and brushing against the bottom part.
"What happened?" Kuroko ruffled the boy's hair, giving a gentle and regretful smile along the way.
"Don't worry, it happened a long time ago and it isn't important." He pulled Ritsu's shirt off, then the rest of the clothing. The boy didn't resist, only stared at the large scar. Kuroko lifted the boy and sat in the warm water, relaxing as his eyes watched the boy. Ritsu lifted a hand and ran it across Kuroko's chest, right along the scar. This made it easier to wash Ritsu, then dry him, he was to engrossed in studying the mark to care.
Kuroko found some old child clothes he kept as a charm and as a reminder of his childhood. He pulled them over they body small and very skinny body. He also put clothes on and he dried their hairs, then brushed them, and lastly they headed out into the spring air.
Once they made it to the shopping mall, Ritsu clung to Kuroko's leg and held his hand tightly. Then Kuroko gently pushed the brunette out of the way as a familiar Blonde tried to glamp the bluenette.
"KUROKO-CCHI!!!!" Kise yelled on the top of his lungs, pushing fake tears into his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and looked down, seeing the shy Ritsu cowering behind Kuroko's leg. "Who is that Kuroko-cchi? I didn't know you have a kid." Kise was clearly surprised, he knew Kuroko was bi, but it seemed he was still stuck on loving Akashi. Kuroko shook his head and leaned into Kise's ear, whispering so only they could hear.
"I found him yesterday and I adopted him." Kise hugged Kuroko tightly, ignoring the attention they were gaining from the other customers.
"I'm so proud suu~" Kuroko patted the blonde's shoulder, mumbling 'I can't breath.' making the said male pull away, rubbing the nape of his neck. "Sorry sorry." He kneeled to get lower for Ritsu who was watching quietly. "I'm Kise Ryota, I'm your father's friend." Ritsu smiles and nods, speaking fairly quietly in response.
"I-I'm Ritsu. Nice to m-meet you." The brunette bows and smiles, as Kuroko watches, he looks at Kise. Studying him like he used to but there was something different about him. Kise stood up and smiles lovingly at Kuroko, then held out and hand to him.
"Let's go Kuroko-cchi." Kuroko nods and took Kise's hand, a faint blush painted across his pale skin. Kuroko didn't understand why he felt this way, this scared him in a way, but it also felt comforting...just like when he was with Akashi. Was he falling in love with Kise? Did he always have this feeling hidden inside him?
Once the shopping was done, Ritsu was sleeping on Kise's back and he was carrying most of the bags. Kuroko leads the blonde back to his home, opening the door and walking in only to leave it for him.
"Let me take Ritsu into the guest room." Kuroko whispered, taking the smaller male and carrying him into the room. Kise placed the bags in the living room, and waited for Kuroko to come out. He was dying to tell Tetsuya something, something he had kept inside him for a very long time, but was never able to say it. Kuroko walked out and looked at Kise, a smile plastered on his face.
"Thank you for everything Kise-kun. I couldn't have carried everything without you." Kise took Kuroko's hands, his bigger than his. Kise smiles lovingly, taking a deep breath as he was about to spill everything. He closed his eyes, afraid to see Kuroko's action as he does so.
"Kuroko. I know your heart is still taken... but I've been holding this in too long. I love you. I didn't believe I did at first..but you were different than I thought. You are strong, kind, and you will give your heart for the one you love. I have always loved you. But I dared not to interfere with your happiness you had with Akashi." Kise slowly opens his eyes, only to reveal a teary Kuroko. "A-ah, are you okay Kuroko? I didn't meant to make you cry!" Kuroko shook his head and hugged Kise, looking up and gently pecking his lips.
"It isn't you. I'm not sure yet...but the kindness you showed me today and seeing your face after these years.. As shown me how much I truly missed when I ignored you. It wasn't fair for you." Kise kisses Kuroko deeply, the other kissing back. Kise leans and whispers into Kuroko's ear, his voice low and husky.
"May I take you? Ritsu is out cold..He won't wake up." Kuroko nods, knowing how Ritsu over did himself and completely drained his energy. Kise lifts Kuroko and walks into the bedroom, laying him down and pinning him. "Let's have some fun~"

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