Chapter Nine

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The family of three sat around the long, oak table. There were few chairs, a red cloth lain upon it, glasses, and a vase of a beautiful bouquet arrangement. Sat at the head of the table was the red headed ex-captain, then on the other side and across from him was a woman with long brown hair, her maroon colored eyes focused on her meal. Next to her sat their daughter, her fiery red hair tied up in pigtails and her eyes the same maroon as her mother's.
The dinner was silent other than the kilinks and tinks of the forks and knives against the plates. Suddenly, the young girls asks her parents, looking down as to expect a 'no' from both.
"Um.. C-can I go in a camp t-to the beach for a couple weeks?" there was a silence, the woman looked at her husband for his answer, she didn't mind, she had a long trip to Paris, France those weeks anyways.
Akashi nodded with a soft smile, his eyes gently meeting his daughters.
"Of course. Your mother can fill the information out or you can have Sebastion do it." He stood up and excused himself from the table. On the way out, he heard his daughter squeal in glee, excuse herself, and skipped to the opposite door to leave. The woman only gave a heavy sigh, standing up and following after her daughter.
Akashi left to his office, giving a slight smirk of satisfaction and happiness. His hands stayed behind his back, his posture straight as he continued down the long, dark hall. His left eye glinted an orange, then to a bright, golden color that glowed in the dark. His grin grew across his face, his eyes grew more open.
He walked into his office, then to a large, wooden bookshelf. He ran his fingers across the books before stopping at a sky colored book. He placed his finger at the top before pulling down, the book only coming off half way. A click echoed in the silent room, then the sound of an object moving, a heavy one. It was the large bookshelf moving, it revealed a smaller, iron-heavy door which had a finger print lock on it.
Akashi opened it, pressing his finger against the green scanner before waiting for the door to slide out of the way. He then stepped into the cool air, then started to head down the spiraling stairs down and down and down. The silence etched into the wall, not for long or course, with what he had planned.
He walked into the creepy dungeon like room, it was too dark to see what was on the walls, only a shyly lit lamp shine on a wooden table, a larger metal table or device next to it. There was also a photo of Kuroko and Akashi as teens, cuddling under a tree with smiles.
Akashi walked over to the lamp before grabbing the photo next to it, a kinder smile growing on his lips. He spoke softly to himself, his eyes growing dark and possessive, his golden eye glinting.
"Oh my Tetsuya... It won't be long before we are together again. Just you and I.. I already planned to have that Ryota and your brat to leave on the trip idea I posted on a different account. THey will get stuck there, the flights and trains not working, a major accident on the road so they couldn't get out that way. My daughter will be going on a camp and my wife off at Paris, like the bitch she is. You won't be able to go anywhere.. I'll have your job inform you that you need to help out, which of course, is a lie and you'll come straight into my arms.."
He spoke his plan like it was the easiest thing in the world to do. Of course, he is Akashi Seijuro, the multi billionaire on top of this country. Everyone knows him for his handsome face, intelligents, and everything else. He is perfect in everything, he gets everything he wants, no matter what happens. Especially when he is in love.

Akashi placed the picture down, then pressed a button, lights clicked on the reveal the room. Akashi grinned wider as he looked at the various item, which for fun, I'll leave them out.
He then sighed as he looked over at a computer screen, seeing his wife knocking on the door. He rolled his eyes as he pressed the button, the lights turning off before he headed back up the seemingly endless stairs.
"Seijuro! Stop ignoring me and open this do-" Before the yelling woman could finish, the door opened, revealing a two red eyed male. He gave one of his handsome smiles and kisses her lips.
"I'm sorry, I was listening to music, I needed the blocker." He says before tilting his head. "Did you need something?" She nodded in response, crossing her arms under her breasts.
"Are you okay? You never let Haruka go out on trips, especially for that long and far away." He nodded and smiled, giving her a reason, then watching her go. Once she turned her back, he frowned and yawned tiredly, closing the door behind him as he walked to his desk. He sat down and sighed, then looks at the photo of his wife and him, his entire family, then a phtot facedown on the desk. He reached over and put it upright, it was a smiling picture of Tetsuya, the first time they went to the zoo.

"Akashi-kun! look! " Kuroko pointed to a lion perched on a rock, looking down at all the passing guests. Akashi looked at it, giving a chuckle.
"Oh Tetsuya, it's only a lion. Nothing more." He looked at the lion, then Kuroko's face before his lips parted seeing Kuroko's pouting face.
"It is not just a lion. He reminds me of you," Kuroko looks up at the lion with a soft smile as he continued. "He is strong and above everybody, who can lead with the roar of his voice, his eyes which are strong as steel."
As he spoke, Akashi smiled and pulled Tetsuya close before whispering back. A Female lion going next to the other one, laying down next to him.
"But I couldn't be complete without my loyal partner. You Tetsuya." Kuroko blushed and kissed Akashi as the other kissed him, both closed their eyes. They pulled away, but not far as their warm breaths mixed.
"I love you Aksv.lskjo-"

Akashi's thoughts were interrupted as there was a loud knock at the door, the butler spoke loudly and clearly.
"It's time to retire sir." Akashi sighed before standing up and placing the picture frame down. He left his office to sleep, to get ready for the next day. For his plan, for the inevitable.

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