Chapter Fourteen

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It was dark, the only sounds that could be heard sounded odd, squelching and squishing, grunts and groans. He faintly heard Akashi as he looked over, his eyes widening as he saw the scene before him. Akashi pounded into Kuroko, who was in a birthing type chair and gagged, and he growled loudly.
"Kuroko!" He cries out, glaring, yelling at him. He didn't want to see his best friend being raped. The red head finished soon after and looked back.
"Oh? Daiki is awake? How sweet, but your mouth is loud." He spoke, pulling from the blue head who panted in pain and tiredness. He walked closer to the blue head, whose arms were chained up and his torso exposed, his eyes glaring. He then leaned forward, touching his jaw, smirking. This only made Aomine cringe and flinch away.
"Don't touch me!" He snapped, struggling against the restraints that held him down. Akashi snorted and grabbed something that looked like a head restraint for patients who broke their neck. He gripped Aomine's hair and forcefully, with some resistance from Aomine, got the restraint on.
"There, how nice. I can now sew your mouth and send you off to the blonde headed buffoon." He grabbed a crescent needle and some thick thread, which was all read prepared, and grabbed the end of Aomine's mouth. "Tetsuya, make sure to watch closely~"
The said male looked forward weakly, panting. He gave a weak whine, unable to move much because of his own position. He teared up more than he already had and squeezed his eyes shut. He could only hear the whines and grunts of Aomine, The dark chuckle of Akashi. Even after the grunts had ended, he was too scared to open his eyes, to see how much pain Aomine was in. His eyes were jolted open ashe felt something jab his side. He whimpered loudly as he looked over.
"Don't fall asleep on me Tetsuya. Watch, or I'll make you." Akashi said, leaning forward, licking his neck gently. "I'm not into fucking men I don't like, but I'll make it where Daiki cannot be top, I'm sure the blonde would absolutely love that." He says and makes Kuroko sit up, kissing him gently. Kuroko turned his head, then looks at Aomine, whom looked back with slight tears and a worried expression.
'Even now... Aomine-kun is still worried about me..' Kuroko thought to himself as he stared back, worry and sorry in his eyes. He didn't want to watch Aomine being fingered, the toyed with by toys. He hated it, tears running down his cheeks as he watched for hours and hours. Never ending it seemed.

Kise sighed as he looked out the window quietly, the sun gently parting with the clouds. It had been a few days since he had the call with his rival. He sighed, looking down at the shy brunette with some local boys, considering they were stuck and the other wanted to wander about. The blonde sighed and pulled away, stretching, surprised as a knock echoed in the room. He tilted his head with wonder and headed to the door, opening it to a mail man.
"Kise Ryota?" The person asked, a large crate behind him.
"Yes, I'm am he." He replied, his curiosity rising.
"Please sign here, this is for you." Kise nodded slowly and sighed the paper, then pulled the large crate in. He checked the label, seeing and sighs. No name or anything, it was empty. Only labeled to Kise. He sighed a bit and began to open it, blinking as the box had some sound blocker, making him jumps as he heard some muffled moans and groans.
"Wh-what the hell?" He says, moving the cloth over the thing. His eyes widened at who the thing was. Aomine was tied up, a vibrator in his ass, nibble vibs on his nipples, a blindfold covering his eyes. "Aomine?!" He called out reaching in, blinking as he pulled a letter out. He placed it to the side before lifting Aomine and putting him on the bed, the other male squirming and whining in pain and pleasure.
"M...imme.." The other male tried to speak as Kise released the dark blued male from his restraints and laid him down on the bed. Kise's eyes were wide and confused, then his eyes went to the letter. He read it, covering his mouth.

Dear Kise Ryota,

I hope you like your present. Unfortunately for him, he got in the way of my current goal, so I had to get rid of him. What better way than to make him a mute woman? I made sure to train him, sew his mouth shut to make an example of who ever gets in my way. I hope you learn from this and take Aomine as your bride, he loves you sososo much. Thank you for taking care of the little boy as well, soon I will take him back, it just depends on how he does. Good day Ryota.

Akashi Seijuro

This made Kise's mind blow. He was right. Akashi was behind this all, it was all of his fault Kuroko wouldn't come, Kuroko was in pain, and now Aomine was broken. He hated this,it made his hair stand on end. He crumbled the letter and reached out, grabbing Aomine and gently hugging him.
"I'm so sorry.. So sorry.." He muttered as Aomine wrapped his arms around him, nuzzling him gently. He kissed his forehead, Aomine looked like a weak child. He hated seeing the man he looked up to look like a weak child who begged for food or sex. He gently held Aomine, the whining male who buried his face in his chest. Aomine himself didn't want Kise to see him this way. He didn't want this at all, he was supposed to be his way, the strong one.
"Kise-kun..?" A small voice spoke out behind him. Kise pulled a blanket over Aomine and looked back, Ritsu. "Who is that..?" The shy boy asked, worried. He didn't know if Kise was cheating or the man was badly hurt. What was the large crate for?
"Ritsu, This is Aomine.. He was hurt so he will be staying with us, okay?" The blonde says gently, pulling away from Aomine and tucking him in more. He then put all of the things which thad held the blue haired male and put it in the crate. He then closed the crate and looked over at the brunette who closed the door.
"Okay.." The other finally responded before sitting down in the chair and grabbing his book. Now all they could do was continue to wait. Kise couldn't allow any of them to leave and he had to go out to get food. He couldn't trust anyone. Akashi had eyes everywhere. Every move they make will be seen and they will be stopped. This was a horrible game for Kuroko, he hated it, but what where this conflicted feelings? He had to ignore them, no way did he like Aomine.

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